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Enhance your Hair Growth with Optimal Hair Care

It is said that it is okay to be a little obsessed with your hair because that will result in better hair care which is the first step towards ensuring faster and better hair growth. Optimal hair care depends essentially on your hair type, on whether it is curly, wavy straight. 


What boosts Hair Growth?

Hair growth can be enhanced with the right protein intake; this is because keratin, which makes up your hair, is a protein. This has to be supplemented with the correct hair care using right amount of minerals, fatty acids and vitamins to ensure consistent and quality hair growth. Vitamins C, D, E, Biotin, Omega 3, Omega 6, Zinc, Iron will prevent hair loss and lead to better hair growth.

The application of essential oils like rosemary and peppermint oil mixed with a carrier oil such as coconut or olive oil also has a lot of benefits for hair care. A regular scalp massage with the help of these oils improves blood circulation in the scalp and aids in faster hair growth. A good shampoo to wash off the oil and remove the impurities on your scalp helps preserve the quality of your hair. 


The Role of Nutrition in Hair Growth and Hair Care

Good hair growth is also a sign of general good health. People with improper food habits develop nutritional deficiencies that impact their scalp and body hair. One needs to plan a diet for hair fall issues for good hair care. Creating a nutritional plan for hair care demands a systematic approach that takes into account the relevant deficiency to be addressed. When the body is suffering from ill health, the normal body processes are changed and some organs receive more attention than others. Hair follicles might not receive the desired focus and this leads to hair issues; Supplements for hair growth are then considered necessary to restore hair health. 



Essential Nutrients for Hair Growth

A balanced healthy diet for hair that takes care of all essential nutrients is the best way to promote the growth of good hair.

  • Vitamin A: Vitamin A is very essential for hair growth. Vitamin A helps the oil glands make sebum which lubricates the scalp and adds to the health of your hair. Vitamin A expedites the growth of hair and also helps produce the moisturizer, sebum which lubricates the scalp for enhanced hair care and adds to the shine of your hair.Spinach, sweet potatoes and carrots are one of the most important sources of vitamin A for hair.
  • Vitamin B: Biotin is one of the best vitamins for hair growth. Biotin deficiency can lead to hair loss but its deficiency is not common as it is found in a wide range of foods. It is also an important part of many hair care products. There are many and varied sources of vitamin B for hair growth including dark leafy greens, meat, fish and whole grains among other things. Folic acid for hair is one of the important vitamin B supplements.
  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C is one of the most potent antioxidants that offers the body a very good defence against oxidative stress & the sun’s rays and is one of the important remedies for hair loss. It is also very effective for the production of collagen. As you age, the capacity of your body to
    produce collagen diminishes rapidly, so hair care becomes a bigger task. That is why all consider vitamin C good for hair. Vitamin C also helps the body fight against early greying of hair & dandruff, are is a good treatment for hair loss and hair thinning. Citrus fruits, strawberries and guavas all have vitamin C content. A number of ayurvedic remedies also suggest vitamin C for hair.
  • Vitamin D: Vitamin D is essentially acquired from the sun’s rays. It helps stimulate the hair follicles and promotes growth. Lack of vitamin D can stunt hair growth and also cause alopecia or hair loss. Some foods rich in vitamin D are cod liver oil, fatty fish and certain types of mushrooms. Experts recommend vitamin D for hair growth as one of the potent remedies and it also helps in better hair care.
  • Vitamin E: The use of Vitamin E for hair is recommended as it is also a powerful antioxidant and it is very effective in preventing damage to cells by free radicals. The use of vitamin E as a supplement helps considerably in enhancing hair growth. Avocados, sunflower seeds and spinach all have very good vitamin E content. 
  • Proteins: Hair follicles are made essentially of protein and that is why it is extremely important to have a rich protein diet, and if necessary, protein treatment for hair. The deficiency of protein does not only slow hair growth but also causes hair loss. Less amount of protein can lead to porous and limp hair. Chicken, dairy products, eggs and fish are some of the best sources of protein for hair growth. 

    • Biotin: This is also referred to as vitamin B7 and is believed to promote the production of keratin which helps augment the growth of hair follicles. Biotin works best for people who are biotin deficient but that is extremely rare as quite a number of foods that are part of our regular diet contain biotin. Avocados, nuts, seeds, organ meats and egg yolk are excellent sources of biotin.
    • Zinc: This is a vital ingredient for the repair and growth of hair tissues. They also help in the proper functioning of the oil glands. Oysters, red meat, poultry and seafood such and prawns and lobster have rich zinc content. 
    • Iron: Iron augments blood circulation and helps carry blood to the hair follicles to promote better hair growth. Iron deficiency can cause significant hair loss. Dried fruit, spinach, peas and lean meats have rich iron content.
    • Omega 3 and Omega 6: Omega 3 and Omega 6: The most important benefit of omega 3s is their capacity to boost hair growth and offer protection from the harmful rays of the sun. Walnuts, fatty acids and seed & plant oil are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. 

    What are the Food Items that we should Avoid to Promote Hair Growth and Hair Care?

    There are certain foods that are extremely avoidable if you are focused on hair care and want to ensure the health of your hair.These foods could lead to hair thinning and hair fall. Say goodbye to those long silky tresses and look forward to genuine hair problems if you are on this food trip. A healthy diet is the best hair care technique.

    • Alcohol: Heavy alcohol consumption can lead to body imbalances which lead to hair fall. It can disrupt the process of protein synthesis which leads to weaker lustreless hair and will demand more hair care. 
    • Carbonated Drinks: If you are experiencing hair loss, it is best to avoid carbonated drinks as the artificial sweeteners in it can damage the hair follicles. 
    • Dairy(controlled): If you are naturally vulnerable to dandruff or psoriasis then dairy products tend to worsen the condition and this could lead to hair fall.
    • Oily Food: Consumption of oily food could lead to the oil seeping into your hair follicles to overexert your oil glands. Avoiding deep-fried food or food loaded with oil will do your hair a world of good.
    • Refined Carbs: Refined carbs contain sugars and processed grains which are extremely fattening and can lead to the clogging of your pores to affect your hair follicles adversely. Avoid refined carbs for better hair care.

      The Role of Ayurveda in Hair Growth and Hair Care

      Ayurveda could work wonders on your hair. Ayurvedic herbs like amla, reetha, shikakai, bhringraj could help transform the state of your hair with its range of beneficial properties. A number of people also use camphor for hair problems. Let’s find out more about some ayurvedic home remedies for hair care and hair growth.

      • Amla: The fatty acids in amla are very good for hair care as they give
        strength and shine to your hair follicles and prevent premature greying. You can mix lime juice and amla powder to create a paste and apply it to your scalp. Cover your head with a shower cap and wash off your scalp and hair after an hour. This is the best ayurvedic treatment for hair fall.
      • Shikakai: This is one of the most beneficial hair growth remedies to bring shine and softness to your hair. It is very useful in cleaning the hair follicles and removing greasiness. It has very effective antimicrobial and antifungal properties. You can make a paste of shikakai and curd powder and apply it to your hair and scalp and wash it off after 30 minutes with cold water. This will improve the thickness and quality of your hair.This potent hair care method will improve the thickness and
        quality of your hair growth.
      • Bhringraj: Bhringraj has a number of beneficial properties that help in strengthening hair, enhancing hair growth and prevent greying and dandruff. Dry a couple of bhringraj leaves, put them in a jar of coconut oil and expose the jar to the sun. The mixture will be ready to use when it becomes green.
      • Reetha: Reetha are very effective in keeping your scalp clean and also help prevent dandruff. it is very useful in balancing the doshas and helps in better hair growth. Mix 3 tablespoons each of reetha and henna powder and make a paste with some water. Apply it to your hair and scalp and massage for some time. Wash it off after 20 minutes with a mild shampoo.
      • Tulsi: Tulsi leaves are very helpful in maintaining the moisture balance of the scalp and they also help augment blood circulation. Tulsi is a very popular ingredient to stop the greying of hair. Mix a few tulsi leaves with half a cup of amla, add some water and make a paste out of it. Apply this paste to your scalp and wash it off after 20 minutes . 

       Also read: How an Ayurvedic diet helps with hair loss

      Here are Some Ways to Maintain Your Hair

      Hair care is easier said than done. It might be extremely convenient to pick up
      the blower to dry your hair, or use those hot curl rollers to enhance your curls
      but you might be doing some real damage to your hair in the process. Let’s find out more:

      • Avoid Heat styling: Use lower temperatures to blow dry or  iron your hair or you might damage your hair irreparably. The heat might make your hair dry and frizzy and could remove the moisture from your hair. Even a hot shower could cause a lot damage to your hair.
      • Trim your Hair frequently: This is necessary to ensure that the ends of your do not get damaged. Hair that is left to grow without a trim will split and the ends will become rough. 
      • Untie your beautiful Hair: If you wear your hair very tightly, you put a lot of strain on the roots and run the risk of harming them. A loose ponytail or a hairband is a better option. 


        Hair Care for Women 

        Women ideally need to wash their hair at least 2-3 times a week. Regular application of oil and a massage would help increase circulation in the scalp and lead to better hair growth treatment and women hair loss treatment. This is an effective method of hair treatment for women. A deep conditioning treatment at least once a week is required to provide the necessary nourishment to the scalp and hair. Also, it helps to dry the hair naturally. The use of chemical-free shampoos/hair growth shampoos for women is recommended and is an important hair product for women. 

        Also read: The significant benefits of Sulfate-free Shampoo  

        Hair Care for Men

        The men should shampoo at least twice a week. It could be lesser for the ones with dry hair.  Avoid shampoos with harsh chemicals as they strip your hair of all the natural oils. It is a good option to get the hair trims done once every 3 weeks. Regular use of a moisturizer after a shampoo is recommended, apply it towards the ends of the hair and not the scalp; a leave-in spray conditioner is recommended for the ones with extremely fine hair.


        Hair Care Routines for Different Hair Types

        Hair is categorized into different types and every type has to be treated in a certain way.

        • Straight Hair: Straight hair can carry sebum more easily and that is why people with straight hair tend to have oilier hair. This may necessitate more frequent washing of hair, enhanced hair care and a gentler treatment of the strands.
        • Wavy Hair: Wavy hair is prone to become knotty and therefore it is essential to use a wide-toothed comb-over dampened hair to loosen the knots. Deep condition your hair regularly to moisturize your hair and retain the wavy texture.
        • Curly Hair: People with curly hair may find their hair damaged very easily due to brushing and so have to hit the right balance for hair care. Curly haired people might also have to use less shampoo, use an air dryer or diffuser to dry their hair.
        • Coily Hair: Coily hair is more fragile than other hair types and so you have to try and detangle the hair when it is damp and always air dry the hair for better hair care. The use of a silicone-free conditioner to deep condition the strands at least once a week is necessary for hair care. 

        What Products Should We Use? 

        There are certain products that are absolutely essential to ensure that your hair is maintained in the best possible way. This includes the use of a serum for hair fall which protects your hair from heat, dust, pollution, and dryness apart from hydrating your tresses for better hair care.

        • Dry shampoos also help in hair care especially when you need to remove the dirt and greasiness without actually taking the trouble to shampoo your hair. 
        • Regular use of a hair mask is necessary to add those extra nutrients and enhance the health of your hair. This is a very useful hair growth product.
        • Hair creams and gels are important to remove frizziness and add shine to your hair. Take care to wash it off after use, to prevent build-up of the products on your hair and scalp and contribute to better hair care.


        What Should Be the Correct Way to Shampoo?

        You need to pick up the right shampoo depending on the quality of your hair. Wet/dampen your hair with lukewarm water and drop a minimal quantity of shampoo into your palms and apply this to your roots without moving up to the tips of your hair, this is the correct hair care technique. After rinsing out all the shampoo with moderately warm water you need to apply conditioner to the ends of your hair, before rinsing it off with cold water.


        Get the Best Haircare with Traya Health

        Traya offers a range of the best hair care products designed to improve the quality of your hair. Made with the finest ingredients they are very effective in improving hair growth. 

        • Traya Hair Ras: One of the most beneficial products made of bhringraj, Shatavari and ashwagandha among others, the Hair Ras enhances the quality of your hair and prevents premature greying and is a must have for hair care. 
        • Hair Vitamin with Biotin: This is a very effective product that addresses the root cause of hair loss like vitamin deficiency, poor nutrition and DHT and promotes the growth of thicker hair. These are among the best hair care supplements. 
        • Defence Shampoo: This is a mild but extremely potent cleansing shampoo made of  Biotin, Niacinamide, and Pea Sprout that helps in removing all impurities from the scalp. This is the best shampoo for hair fall control and hair care and is a potent hair loss supplement.
        • Scalp Oil: Made of essential & carrier oils and herbs this is a good remedy for hair loss which happens because of poor scalp health brought about by stress, dandruff and heat. 
        • Minoxidil: This is one of the best hair growth serums and the best remedy for hair fall and for better hair care.



        Traya’s products have the best ingredients that lead to excellent hair growth.
        Made from the finest herbs and oils, not only do they help in reducing hair loss
        but promote healthy hair growth and hair care as well. Do visit us at Traya and
        find out more about the latest hair care techniques from our experts and
        succeed in your quest for those silky strands of strength. Visit the website to check out our products today.

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