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PRP Hair Treatment Side Effects: What You Need to Know



Hair Restoration in 2024 for Platelet-Rich Plasma has been very popular. It is one of the most trusted and trending hair loss solution. This innovative uses your own body's platelets to jump start the hair growth. However, this treatment like any medical intervention is not without its own fair share of side effects. Some PRP treatment side effects include scalp tenderness, mild pain, swelling or risk of infection. These possible side effects are crucial if you plan on getting PRP done for hair restoration. Keep reading to know more about PRP therapy, why it is beneficial and other options that exist.


What is PRP Hair Treatment?

Platelet Rich Plasma therapy for hair loss is a non-invasive treatment. It will induce natural hair growth by using patient's own blood. At first, then doctor will take your blood and spin it in a special centrifuge machine to seperate its platelet rich plasma. Later, the platelet rich plasma will be injected in the concentrated part such as bald patches.


Wondering how the method will process? 

During the treatment, an expert surgical practitioner will take a small amount of blood from the patient, process it to concentrate the platelets and then inject the plasma back into the scalp. PRP treatment contains growth factors that activate existing hair follicles and promote new ones growth resulting in improved density. 

But, like all medical procedures, there are a few PRP treatment side effects about which patients should be aware of prior to undergoing it.

  • Unwanted Effects Of The Treatment:
  • Inflammation Of The Scalp
  • Localized swelling at injection site(s)
  • Risk of infection
  • Transient Hair Loss
How does it work
  • Blood Drawn: A few drops of your blood are withdrawn.
  • Spinning it first: Use a centrifugal machine and spin your sample.
  • Injecting: The plasma is now injected onto scalp with direct target on Follicular Units(FUs)


Objective(s) behind Platelet Rich Plasma for Hair Loss

  • Encourage fast regeneration of new hairs by stimulating inactive follicles.
  • Raise hair density so that an individual can have full looking hairs.

Boost quality healthiness of hairs

Science Behind Plasma Therapy For Hairs: PDGF, TGF & VEGF are some essential name tags given to certain proteins that circulate in human beings’ bodies; they help cell growth & tissue repair. PRP therapy thus involves direct injection of these potent growth factors into the scalp to rejuvenate dormant hair follicles for better hair regrowth.


How PRP Hair Treatment Works

To ensure the increased flow of growth factors in the scalp, several critical steps have to be followed during PRP hair treatment.

Stages Of PRP Therapy:

  • Blood Collection: Small volume of blood obtained from the patient's arm.
  • Next Centrifuge Spinning: The sample is subjected to centrifugation so as to separate platelet rich plasma from other components of the blood.
  • Preparing Concentrated Platelets For Injection: Preparing concentrated platelets for injection into the scalp region.
  • PRP Injection: Directly inject the prepared and activated PRP solution into the superficial part of your scalp through numerous pricks spread all over that area where hairs are thinning.

Expected Results And Timeframes:

  • First Outcomes : Initial changes may appear within a few months. Increased shedding initially has been observed due to weak hairs falling out and new ones coming up.
  • Multiple Sessions: Usually, four weeks apart (usually 3-4 sessions) will require a series of treatments
  • Continued Maintenance Programme: Maintenance phase sessions usually takes placeevery six months or one year. Apart from a need or request depending on individual.

Definition of What is Prp Treatment for Hair? 

This is a minimally invasive procedure that employs natural healing properties found in the body system to stimulate hair growth. It seeks to revitalize dormant hair follicles by injecting concentrated platelets into patient’s heads leading to healthier, thicker and more vibrant locks overall.


In-depth Analysis of PRP Hair Treatment Side Effects

What Are The Potential Side Effects Of PRP Hair Treatment?

PRP treatment is considered to be very safe because it involves the use of your own blood. It takes one part of your blood (which is already in circulation throughout your body) and injects it directly into areas that require therapy. 

There are no medications or other substances added to the blood or plasma prior to its re-injection which keeps the possibilities of bad reactions low. Most patients only experience slight PRP treatment side effects like, stinging during injection and mild tenderness for about 24 hours after treatment.


Common Side Effects

  • Mild Pain and Soreness

Some individuals feel a sting while getting PRP injections and suffer from tender spots at the site, which can last up to one day.

  • Little Bleeding and Redness

There may be tiny bleeding spots as well as redness at injection sites but these usually go away fast.

  • Total Scalp Feeling or Tightening

It has been observed that most people have a feeling of fullness or tightness in their scalp immediately following the injections that lasts for just a brief period.

  • Slight Headache or Puffy Forehead

In rare instances, some patients may have a gentle headache within a day after the treatment or mild swelling on their forehead.

Research has shown that this procedure improves both male and female pattern balding with few negative effects. These minor side effects mentioned are predominantly associated with injection processes rather than PRP therapy itself.


Uncommon Adverse Effects

The risk of any PRP treatment side effects is extremely low although they are still possible. 

Some of these rare outcomes include:

  • Minor Allergic Reactions

Sometimes, itching and redness may occur showing allergy signs

  • Accidental Wounding On Blood Vessels Or Nerves

There is an insignificant chance of injuring nerves or veins during needling operations resulting in scar formations near these sites.

  • Blood Clots And Injured Nerves

In very rare cases, one may develop blood clots or suffer from nerve damages.It has been very rarely observed and there are not many cases seen as such. 


Concerns about Growth Factors

There are concerns that platelet derived growth factors may have effects on other tissues in the skin and the risk of tumor development. Some examples include surrounding nerves, collagen and vascular structures which could be affected by growth factors. 

However, present evidence such as information from Australia’s PRP resource website indicates that any collateral events appear to be positive with nil evidence for tumor potential.


Understanding Overall Risks

Knowing the overall PRP treatment side effects is a critical part of your consultation process with your physician. Mild but rare side effects are not uncommon to this kind of treatment; therefore, it is vital to know everything. For instance, Advil used for pain relief can cause blistering, peeling or loosening of the skin- according to its literature.

Consider a board-certified doctor who has great experience in administering PRP. This will help you eliminate any risk involved and achieve good results in the end. Your healthcare provider will help you understand the entire process and PRP treatment sideeffects involved.


Health Risks Associated with PRP Hair Treatment

PRP is known to be a safe procedure, but it is important for patients to know about a few health risks that are related to it.

  • Risks of Infection and Inflammation:

Sterilization Practices: Sterilizing the clinic’s premises is the best way to prevent infection.

  • Inflammation: 

At times, there could be inflammation at the injection areas; however, this usually goes away with time and therefore can be managed by anti-inflammatory drugs.

  • Allergic Reactions:

Rare Occurrences: This is because PRP uses the patient's own blood. However, people with allergies should consult their health care providers to know possible risks.

  • Blood Clotting Disorders:

Contraindications: If you have a blood clotting disorder or you are on anticoagulants, you shouldn’t go for PRP treatments as it increases complications risk.


Detailed Discussion on PRP Hair Treatment Side Effects

It is essential to know about hair loss effects and dangers of PRP treatment side effects before you consider it. This will help you make up your mind better and be prepare for the procedure. Make sure you discuss these risks with your physician in detail.


How to Significantly Decrease Negative Effects

Take a few precautionary measures you can take before and after treatment.

Precautionary Measures Before Treatment:

  • Consultation: Have a detailed consultation with a healthcare professional who can discuss your medical history and potential risks it comes with.
  • Medical Evaluation: Ensure there is proper medical evaluation done to rule out any contraindications.
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water prior to the procedure to ease blood drawn and processing.

During Treatment:

  • Communication: Let the surgeon know if you feel uncomfortable during the process.
  • Sterile Environment: Make sure that the surgery is performed in a sterile environment so as to minimize chances of infection.

Post-treatment Care:

  • Avoid Strenuous Activities: Do not go for harsh physical activities or do heavy exercises immediately after being treated in a few days time.
  • Follow-up Appointments: Go for follow-up visits where progress is monitored and any issues can be addressed.

Use Recommended Products: 

  • Use some hair care products that are recommended as part of the healing process.

Mention Hair PRP Treatment Precautions: 

  • To get best results while avoiding risks for unwanted effects, patients should follow all post-treatment care instructions provided by their healthcare provider.


Best Alternatives Besides PRP Hair Restoration

If you are considering how to handle the problem of hair loss and an alternative to PRP hair restoration, that causes no hassle and offers genuine results, we suggest opting for Traya. 

Why Choose Traya?

  • Personalized Treatment Plans:

At Traya our belief is in one-size-fits-one. Our experts come up with personalized plans based on your individual hair and health profiles.

  • Scientifically-Backed Solutions:

Our treatments combine allopathy, Ayurveda, and nutrition science to get at root causes of hair loss.

  • Natural and Safe Ingredients:

Traya’s products are made with natural safe ingredients so there are no harmful side effects.

  • Comprehensive Care:

In addition to topical treatments, Traya provides dietary and lifestyle recommendations that contribute towards overall health as well as healthy growth of the hair.

  • Expert Guidance:

Throughout your process of restoring your hair, our team which consists of dermatologists, trichologists, and Ayurveda practitioners will be by your side at all times.

  • Convenient and Accessible:

Get your treatment plan customized for you together with all the products delivered at your doorstep.


How does Traya work?

  • Holistic Assessment:

Start off with a comprehensive online test for your hairs’ condition as well as your general health state.

  • Custom Plan Creation:

Our experts study the results of this test thereby coming up with a unique treatment plan that best suits you.

  • Regular Monitoring:

Have regular check-ins to know if you have advanced or retreated since then make modifications on it accordingly,

  • Effective Results:

See improvements in hair growth and health from our approach that works holistically .

Other Hair Loss Treatments and Their Side Effects:

  • Minoxidil: This product encourages growth of hair on skin when applied topically. Possible side effects include scalp irritation and undesired growth of facial hairs.
  • Hair Transplants: It’s a form of surgery whereby hair follicles are transplanted from one part of your scalp onto another section. Scarring may result as well as a long recovery period.
  • Plasma Therapy for Hair: This involves using growth factors to rejuvenate the hair, which is similar to PRP.

Comparisons Between PRP and Other Treatments:

  • Efficacy: In comparison to hair transplantation, PRP is comparatively less invasive and may have lesser side effects than Minoxidil, a topical medication.
  • Cost: The costs of hair transplants may be significantly higher than those of PRP treatments while the continuing expenses associated with Minoxidil can accumulate with time.


Who Cannot Use Platelet-Rich Plasma Hair Loss Treatment?

PRP treatment may not be suitable for everyone as there are certain health conditions or concerns that might contraindicate it.

Contraindications for PRP Treatment:

  • Blood Disorders : Patients who have blood clotting disorders or those that take blood thinners should avoid this procedure due to the possibility of complications.
  • Infections : People with active scalp infections or other skin problems cannot undergo the treatment until such time when their infections are cured completely.
  • Cancer : It is advised that individuals who are undergoing cancer therapy should not opt for PRP since it could affect their current medical procedures.
  • Pregnancy : Medical practitioners normally advise pregnant women against receiving platelet rich plasma treatment during pregnancy as there are no studies that support its safety at this stage of a woman's life.

Specific Health Conditions and Concerns:

  • Autoimmune Diseases: Patients suffering from autoimmune diseases need to check with their physicians before considering PRP since they influence its effectiveness and safety in these cases.
  • Chronic Illnesses: Those patients having chronic illnesses like diabetes or liver disease should talk about possible dangers with doctors.
  • Importance of Consultation and Medical Evaluation: There must be sufficient consultations done by a qualified healthcare provider so as to determine if you qualify for receiving a PRP treatment. 

Your healthcare provider will evaluate your medical history, general state of health, and specific conditions to develop a safe and effective treatment plan.


Expert Opinions on Side Effects of PRP Hair Treatment

    It is important to gain a holistic understanding of PRP hair treatment and its side effects by consulting experts.

    Dermatologist Quotes and Insights:

    Dr. Khetarpal

    The most effective treatments for recent hair loss are PRP therapy. “Hair follicles can be brought back to life after being dead asleep for a long period of time,” Khetarpal says. I usually tell people that I can take their hair five years back. You may see some improvement if your hair loss is old, but you will probably not want to invest your time and money in it.

    Dr. Baria 

    It is important to consult with an honest doctor when thinking about this kind of treatment. According to Dr Baria, many pop-up clinics advertise PRP injections; however, these processes often do not meet the required medical standards.



    PRP hair treatment is a viable option for people with hair loss because it makes use of the body's ability to naturally heal itself thus stimulating growth or increasing their densities. Nevertheless, like any other medical intervention, it has its risks. Being aware of both immediate and long-term effects that may come about as a result is key while making informed choices in matters such as these. 

    To avoid any complexities occurring after Philtrum surgery you’d better stick to simple tips at all stages stated above which is very important for getting great results without complications this way. Those who consider having PRP hair treatments must have detailed discussions with qualified health professionals so that it can meet their unique requirements based on existing health issues.



    Is PRP hair treatment dangerous? 

    In general, most people can safely undergo PRP hair treatment. This involves carrying out the necessary procedures in a sterile environment and following any additional advice given during follow-up sessions.

    Is This Treatment Of Prp For Baldness? 

    The efficacy of this method depends on different factors for every person who tries it; some do not succeed at all while others record very high success rates depending on how much their loss was, overall healthiness plus keeping up with further visits afterwards. Numerous individuals report appreciable changes in thickness and density after numerous rounds of these techniques.

    What happens after having undergone this therapy? 

    After undergoing this process, patients may experience mild pain, swelling or temporary shedding off of hairs which occurs within several days usually subsides thereafter thus following instructions concerning this process would highly help one reduce discomforts while achieving the best outcome.

    How many times should I do PRP for my hair? 

    The usual number of times one is subjected under these therapies includes three to four sessions that are done after a month and then subsequent follow up visits made from time to time during six months to twelve months. The frequency of sessions, however, differs depending on the participant’s needs and how well they responded to treatment.

    What Is The Cost Of Prp Hair Treatment? 

    The total cost incurred on this treatment modality consists of the amount charged by the clinic, its location as well as the number of treatments done. On average, a single dose can go for between five hundred dollars and fifteen hundred dollars. Additionally, there are some clinics which offer package deals hence lowering overall expenditure for multiple rounds.




    Dr. Kalyani Deshmukh, M.D.


    Dr. Deshmukh is an MD (Dermatology, Venerology, and Leprosy) with more than 4 years of experience. She successfully runs her own practice and believes that a personalized service maximizes customer satisfaction.

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    The claims and results mentioned are based on multiple internal studies and customer research surveys that Traya has conducted with a statistically significant sample size of users who were under expert observation and guidance

    93% saw results*

    Traya conducted an internal study over both men and females facing hair fall and 93% saw results* after using the complete Traya treatment consistently for a period of 5 months. This study was conducted in December 2022. 

    5-month money-back guarantee

    Traya’s 100% money-back policy is valid only if you have been regular with the complete treatment plan for a period of 5 whole consecutive months. Each customised hair kit is valid for only 30 days. If any individual has not seen any regrowth or control in hair fall, you can ask for a refund. However, once you apply for the 5-month - money-back policy, the team would then do a thorough check on consumer regularity based on every order date. An exception to this policy is for those customers undergoing serious health conditions like autoimmune diseases and cancer. 

    Traya’s Holistic 3 Science Formula 

    Traya’s 3 Science Formula is a synergistic mix of Ayurveda, Allopathy & Food Science designed specifically to cater to hair loss conditions stemming from multiple root causes. With clinically tested ingredients and adaptogenic herbs, Traya’s Science-Backed formula clears internal blockages and boosts hair regeneration naturally. When blended with a healing dietary plan, it delivers great results in attaining long-term hair growth. 

    Traya Free hair test (™) 

    Traya’s Hair Dx test is powered by a proprietary algorithm to examine a user's hair & health profile. With the help of a distinctive image-capturing technique & physician- formulated examination, it is able to precisely diagnose the type, stage & root causes of a certain hair loss condition. 

    2 lakh+ Indians 

    Traya Free hair test (™) has been taken by more than 2 lakh+ Indians - Data acquired from Traya customers. 

    Ayush Certified  - Digest Boost, Cholest Vati and Consti Clear are Ayush Certified Products.

    Traya’s Ayurvedic Products are based on natural and Ayurvedic formulations. These are completely safe for human use, but it is possible that certain ingredients may cause allergic reactions to some individuals. 

    Accurate hair diagnosis 

    The Traya free hair test (™) is a proprietary algorithm developed with the help of our in-house doctors that provides Accurate hair and health diagnosis, provided you mention all the correct details about yourself. It gives a precise diagnosis about the type, stage and root cause of a specific hair fall condition.

    Long Lasting Visible Hair Results 

    Traya’s complete treatment gives visible and long-lasting results provided you’re on Traya’s hair maintenance kit. Since Traya works on the internal root causes of hair fall and hence our customers have seen long lasting results

    Trusted by 70+ Doctors

    Traya has been tried and loved by over 70 doctors all over India to maintain healthy hair growth. 

    Award Winning Trusted Brand

    India’s Healthcare Excellence initiated by Brands Impact has awarded Traya as the Most Effective Haircare Product of the Year 2022 

    FDA approved ingredients 

    Traya contains hair growth actives like minoxidil and DHT blocker which are FDA approved to treat hair fall. These are completely safe for human use, but it is possible that certain ingredients may cause allergic reactions to some individuals.


    Traya Women Santulan (™)

    Traya’s Women Santulan is a unique technology that uses a combination of herbs treated in a specific manner (kalpa) to meet the bio-specific needs of women going through different stages of life. Santulan is a supplementary range to Traya’s 3 Science Formula which balances and nourishes the body inside-out delivering long-lasting hair growth results and overall health.

    Hair Growth Plan starts at Rs 1699 pm* - The price mentioned is for a male of age 23 with stage 1 type hair fall based on the results of the hair test taken on the website. Prices may vary for individual customers depending on the results of the hair test and internal root causes

    Hair Growth Plan starts at Rs 2000 pm* - The price mentioned is for a male of age 25 with stage 1 type hair fall based on the results of the hair test taken on the website. Prices may vary for individual customers depending on the results of the hair test and internal root causes

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