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Vitamin E Capsule for Hair Growth - Benefits, Uses, Side Effects


Our body requires a variety of vitamins and minerals to operate effectively. When it comes to hair, Vitamin E stands out due to its powerful antioxidant properties. It helps protect the scalp and hair from free radicals, which can cause damage. Vitamin E also supports overall organ function and is crucial for maintaining healthy blood, vision, reproduction, and skin.

Research and industry have recognized the numerous benefits of Vitamin E. It is commonly added to beauty products for its safe and effective uses. Regularly incorporating Vitamin E, whether through Vitamin E capsules for hair or other sources, can significantly enhance the strength and appearance of your hair. In this article, we will explore the benefits of Vitamin E for hair, its uses, potential side effects, and how Vitamin E capsules can improve your hair care routine. Stay with us to learn more about how Vitamin E can be a great source for your hair health!


Vitamin E Capsule Benefits for Hair

Vitamin E plays a huge in role maintaining hair health, here are 10 ways in which vitamin E benefits for hair:

1. Escalates Hair Growth

Vitamin E supports hair growth by improving blood circulation to the scalp. Enhanced circulation ensures that hair follicles receive more oxygen and nutrients, which are essential for hair growth. The antioxidant properties of Vitamin E also protect hair follicles from damage caused by free radicals, helping to maintain a healthy environment for hair to grow.

To escalate hair growth through Vitamin E, it can be consumed through foods rich in this vitamin, such as nuts, seeds, and leafy green vegetables. You can also take Vitamin E supplements, but it's best to consult a healthcare provider before starting any supplement regimen. Additionally, using hair oils or shampoos infused with Vitamin E can help nourish the scalp directly.

2. Prevents Excessive Hair Loss

Vitamin E helps prevent excessive hair loss by reducing oxidative stress on the scalp. Oxidative stress can weaken hair follicles, leading to hair thinning and loss. As an antioxidant, Vitamin E neutralizes free radicals, protecting the hair follicles from damage and supporting their strength.

To reduce hair loss, include Vitamin E-rich foods like almonds, sunflower seeds, and spinach in your diet. You can also apply Vitamin E oil directly to the scalp to nourish and strengthen the hair follicles. Consistent use can help maintain healthier hair and minimize shedding.

3. Maintains a Healthy Scalp

Vitamin E helps maintain a healthy scalp by balancing oil production and providing essential moisture. This balance prevents dryness and flakiness, reducing dandruff and irritation. Its antioxidant properties also help protect the scalp from environmental damage.

For a healthy scalp, consume Vitamin E through foods such as avocados, nuts, and green leafy vegetables. Additionally, applying Vitamin E oil or using shampoos and conditioners with Vitamin E can help keep the scalp nourished and hydrated. Regular use can improve scalp health and support overall hair growth.

4. Makes your Hair Shine

Vitamin E enhances hair shine by repairing damaged hair follicles and improving overall hair texture. It helps smooth the hair cuticle, making it reflect light better and appear shinier. Its moisturizing properties also prevent dryness and frizz, contributing to a glossy look.

To achieve shiny hair, include Vitamin E-rich foods like almonds, sunflower seeds, and olive oil in your diet. Additionally, applying Vitamin E oil directly to your hair or using hair products with Vitamin E can provide an extra layer of moisture and shine. Regular use can enhance the natural luster of your hair.

5. Keeps your Hair Hydrated/Moisturized

Vitamin E helps keep hair hydrated by providing essential moisture and reducing dryness. It strengthens the hair’s natural barrier, preventing water loss and keeping the hair shaft smooth. This helps reduce breakage and split ends, maintaining overall hair health.

To keep your hair moisturized, consume Vitamin E-rich foods like avocados, nuts, and seeds. Applying Vitamin E oil or using hair care products with Vitamin E can also directly hydrate and condition your hair. Regular application can help maintain optimal moisture levels and improve hair texture.

6. Protects Hair from External Damage

Vitamin E shields hair from external damage by neutralizing free radicals caused by environmental factors such as UV rays, pollution, and harsh chemicals. Its antioxidant properties help protect the hair and scalp from oxidative stress, which can weaken and damage the hair structure.

To protect your hair, include Vitamin E-rich foods like nuts, seeds, and green leafy vegetables in your diet. Additionally, using hair care products containing Vitamin E or applying Vitamin E oil directly to your hair can offer extra protection from environmental damage. Regular use can help maintain healthier, more resilient hair.

7. Strengthens Hair Follicles

Vitamin E strengthens hair follicles by enhancing blood circulation to the scalp and providing essential nutrients. Improved circulation ensures that hair follicles receive adequate oxygen and nutrients, which supports their strength and resilience. Vitamin E's antioxidant properties also protect follicles from damage caused by free radicals.

To strengthen hair follicles, consume Vitamin E-rich foods like almonds, sunflower seeds, and spinach. Applying Vitamin E oil or using shampoos and conditioners with Vitamin E can also directly nourish the scalp and hair follicles. Regular use supports stronger, healthier hair growth.

8. Reduces Scalp Inflammation

Vitamin E helps reduce scalp inflammation by soothing irritated skin and calming conditions like eczema or psoriasis. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties help decrease redness and swelling, promoting a healthier scalp environment.

To reduce scalp inflammation, incorporate Vitamin E-rich foods such as avocados, nuts, and seeds into your diet. Applying Vitamin E oil or using hair products with Vitamin E directly on the scalp can also provide relief and support healing. Regular use can help maintain a balanced and comfortable scalp.

9. Prevents Split Ends

Vitamin E helps prevent split ends by nourishing and strengthening the hair shaft. Its moisturizing properties provide deep hydration, reducing dryness and brittleness that can lead to split ends. By maintaining hair moisture and elasticity, Vitamin E helps keep the hair cuticle intact and resilient.

To prevent split ends, consume Vitamin E-rich foods like almonds, sunflower seeds, and avocados. Applying Vitamin E oil to the hair ends or using hair care products with Vitamin E can also help seal moisture and reduce the risk of split ends. Regular use supports healthier, smoother hair.

10. Boosts Hair Elasticity

Vitamin E helps prevent split ends by nourishing and strengthening the hair shaft. Its moisturizing properties provide deep hydration, reducing dryness and brittleness that can lead to split ends. By maintaining hair moisture and elasticity, Vitamin E helps keep the hair cuticle intact and resilient.

To prevent split ends, consume Vitamin E-rich foods like almonds, sunflower seeds, and avocados. Applying Vitamin E oil to the hair ends or using hair care products with Vitamin E can also help seal moisture and reduce the risk of split ends. Regular use supports healthier, smoother hair. 

Also read: Which Vitamin Deficiency causes Hair loss


Vitamin E Capsule Properties 

Here is a summary of the properties related to Vitamin E



Vitamin E

A fat-soluble vitamin found in vegetable oils, cereals, meats, poultry, eggs, and fruits.


Supports organ function, acts as an antioxidant, and is important for vision, reproduction, and overall health of blood, brain, and skin.


Natural Vitamin E in foods is RRR-alpha-tocopherol; supplements often contain synthetic all-rac-alpha-tocopherol.


Rare but can occur in individuals with genetic disorders or very low-weight premature infants. May cause nerve pain (neuropathy).

Antioxidant Properties

Protects cells from damage by free radicals, which may contribute to heart disease, cancer, and other conditions.


Found in canola oil, olive oil, margarine, almonds, peanuts, meats, dairy, leafy greens, and fortified cereals. Available as oral supplements.

Recommended Daily Amount

15 milligrams for adults.

Health Research

Mixed evidence on effectiveness for Alzheimer’s disease, liver disease, preeclampsia, and prostate cancer.


High doses may increase the risk of prostate cancer and other health issues. Use with caution, especially in certain populations.

Side Effects

High doses may cause nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, headache, blurred vision, rash, and other symptoms.


May interact with medications such as chemotherapy drugs, anticoagulants, and statins, affecting bleeding risk.


Discontinue use two weeks before surgery to reduce the risk of bleeding.

Natural Vitamins Vs Supplements

Vitamin E Capsules
  • Source and Absorption: Manufactured in forms such as tablets, capsules, or drops. They offer a convenient and concentrated source of Vitamin E. Absorption rates may vary depending on the supplement's formulation and ingredients.
  • Nutrient Isolation: Typically contain isolated Vitamin E, which can be beneficial for targeted supplementation. Some supplements use synthetic forms of Vitamin E, but high-quality options use natural sources.
  • Safety, Cost, and Regulation: Safety varies; high doses or improper use can lead to side effects. Supplements can be expensive, but they provide a consistent and measurable dose of Vitamin E. Quality can vary, but reputable brands follow good manufacturing practices.

Natural Vitamins
  • Source and Absorption: Found in whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and nuts. These vitamins are generally better absorbed due to the presence of other nutrients that aid in absorption.
  • Nutrient Synergy: Provide a range of nutrients and compounds that work together, offering broader health benefits. The nutrients are in their natural form, enhancing bioavailability.
  • Safety, Cost, and Regulation: Generally safe when part of a balanced diet. Cost-effective when included in daily meals. Foods are regulated under food safety standards, ensuring quality control.


How to Use Vitamin E Capsules for Hair?

1. Direct Application on Scalp

Step-by-Step Guide:
  1. Start by washing your hair with a mild shampoo to remove any dirt or residue. This ensures better absorption of Vitamin E.
  2. Use scissors or a pin to carefully puncture or cut open the Vitamin E capsules.
  3. Squeeze the oil onto your fingertips. Gently massage the oil into your scalp using circular motions, ensuring even coverage.
  4. Allow the oil to sit for at least 30 minutes. For deeper treatment, leave it overnight.
  5. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo and conditioner to remove the oil completely.

2. DIY Hair Masks with Vitamin E

Coconut Oil & Vitamin E Mask:
  • Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, 2 Vitamin E capsules.
  • Instructions: Mix coconut oil with the contents of Vitamin E capsules. Apply to your hair and scalp, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Aloe Vera & Vitamin E Mask: 

  • Ingredients: 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel, 2 Vitamin E capsules.
  • Instructions: Blend aloe vera gel with the Vitamin E oil. Apply the mixture to your hair, leave it on for 30 minutes, and then rinse with water.

Honey & Vitamin E Mask:

  • Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 Vitamin E capsule.
  • Instructions: Combine honey with the oil from the Vitamin E capsule. Apply to damp hair, let sit for 20 minutes, and rinse well.

3. Oral Consumption


  • Consuming Vitamin E capsules can improve overall hair health by providing essential nutrients that support hair growth and strength from within.


  • Follow the dosage instructions on the supplement label, usually 15 milligrams per day for adults.
  • Consult with a healthcare provider before starting Vitamin E supplements, especially if you have existing health conditions or are taking other medications.


Best Practices and Precautions When Using Vitamin E Capsules

Q: What is the correct dosage for Vitamin E capsules?
  • For scalp application, use 1-2 Vitamin E capsules per treatment. Break open the capsules and apply the oil directly to the scalp. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes before rinsing.
  • The recommended daily dosage for adults is 15 milligrams. Follow the dosage instructions provided on the supplement label or by a healthcare provider.

Q: What are the possible side effects of using Vitamin E capsules?
  • Topical Side Effects: Overuse may lead to scalp irritation, including redness or itching. Applying too much oil can also make the hair greasy.
  • Oral Side Effects: High doses may cause nausea, diarrhea, or other digestive issues. In rare cases, excessive Vitamin E intake may lead to more severe health problems.

Q: Who should avoid using Vitamin E capsules?
  • Consult Healthcare Providers: Individuals with certain skin conditions, such as eczema or psoriasis, or those with allergies to Vitamin E should consult a healthcare provider before use.
  • Pre-existing Conditions: People with bleeding disorders, a history of heart disease, or those taking anticoagulants should seek medical advice as Vitamin E can interact with these conditions and medications.


Vitamin E Tablet vs. Other Hair Growth Supplements


Benefits for Hair

Synergistic Effect with 

Vitamin E

How to Incorporate

Vitamin C

Promotes collagen production, strengthens hair, and aids in iron absorption.

Enhances antioxidant protection, helping to repair and protect hair follicles from damage.

Combine in a balanced diet with citrus fruits and supplements.

Vitamin A

Supports sebum production, keeping the scalp moisturized and preventing hair dryness.

Works together to improve scalp health and maintain hair moisture, preventing breakage.

Use in tandem with Vitamin E-rich hair oils or topical treatments.


Essential for red blood cell production, delivering oxygen to hair follicles and promoting growth.

Combats oxidative stress and improves iron absorption, supporting overall hair strength.

Include iron-rich foods like spinach with Vitamin E supplements.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Nourishes hair follicles, improves elasticity, and reduces scalp inflammation.

Combines with Vitamin E to enhance scalp circulation and reduce inflammation, promoting healthier hair.

Incorporate fish oil or flaxseed oil supplements alongside Vitamin E.

Biotin (Vitamin B7)

Supports keratin production, strengthening hair and reducing thinning.

Complements Vitamin E by building hair structure while Vitamin E protects hair cells.

Take biotin supplements with Vitamin E for stronger, fuller hair.

Expert Opinions on Vitamin E Capsule for Hair

Traya's Hair Coaches on Vitamin E

Our hair experts at Traya emphasize the importance of Vitamin E in maintaining overall hair health. According to our doctors, Vitamin E’s antioxidant properties play a crucial role in protecting hair follicles from oxidative damage, which is a common cause of hair thinning and loss. They recommend incorporating Vitamin E into your hair care routine, whether through a balanced diet or targeted supplements, to promote a healthy scalp environment that supports natural hair growth.

Doctor’s Advice

Traya’s medical professionals also highlight that while Vitamin E can be beneficial for hair, it works best when combined with other essential nutrients like biotin, omega-3 fatty acids, and zinc. They advise patients to be mindful of the dosage, as excessive intake of Vitamin E supplements may lead to unwanted side effects. The key is to strike a balance, ensuring that your hair receives the right amount of nourishment for optimal growth and strength.

Guidance on Use

Our experts recommend regular scalp massages with Vitamin E oil to improve blood circulation and enhance nutrient delivery to hair follicles. This practice, combined with a diet rich in Vitamin E, can significantly improve hair texture, shine, and resilience over time.



Incorporating Vitamin E for hair into your routine can significantly enhance hair health. Whether through vitamin E capsules for hair or topical applications, the vitamin E benefits for hair are well-documented. From preventing excessive hair loss to improving shine, vitamin E is good for hair in various ways. Vitamin E capsule benefits for hair include not only nourishing the scalp but also protecting against external damage.

While vitamin E capsule uses for hair are numerous, it's essential to be aware of potential vitamin E capsule for hair side effects, such as scalp irritation. Products like Evion 400 vitamin E capsule for hair are popular choices, known for their effectiveness. Ultimately, vitamin E is good for hair when used correctly, contributing to healthier and more vibrant locks. So, whether you opt for hair Evion 400 or other forms, integrating vitamin E into your hair care can yield impressive results.


People Also Ask

What are free radicals? 

In terms of chemistry, free radicals are atoms having incomplete shells that tend to bond with other atoms to make themselves complete.
In our bodies these free radicals cause aging and multiple diseases if exceed in numbers. Hence, vitamin E helps in controlling these free radicals to halt damage. 

Q: Is Vitamin E Good For Hair? 

Vitamin E plays a significant role in hair health due to its antioxidant properties. Antioxidants protect cells from damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals, which can harm cells in the scalp and hair follicles due to oxidative stress. This shield protects hair follicles, reducing hair loss and enhancing robust hair growth.

Vitamin E also improves circulation in the scalp. Enhanced circulation ensures that hair follicles receive the necessary nutrients and oxygen for growth. Also, Vitamin E helps control oil production on the scalp, which helps prevent dryness and dandruff. Studies have found that lacking Vitamin E can lead to issues with hair, while adequate intake of Vitamin E can enhance hair strength and health.

Q. What is Vitamin E?

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that protects cells from damage caused by free radicals. It plays a crucial role in immune function, skin health, and maintaining healthy hair. Vitamin E is found in various foods, including nuts, seeds, and green leafy vegetables, and is available as a supplement.

Q. Can we apply vitamin E capsule directly on hair?

Yes, you can apply the oil from Vitamin E capsules directly to your hair and scalp. This helps nourish and moisturize the hair, promoting healthy growth and reducing dryness. For best results, leave the oil on for at least 30 minutes before washing it off.

Q. Can we mix vitamin E capsule with coconut oil for hair?

Yes, mixing Vitamin E with coconut oil creates a powerful combination for hair care. Coconut oil adds deep moisture, while Vitamin E provides antioxidant protection. This mixture can help repair damaged hair, improve shine, and reduce frizz.

Q. Can I take Evion 400 daily for hair growth?

You can take Evion 400 daily to support hair growth, but it’s important to follow the recommended dosage. Many users find that Evion 400 vitamin E capsule for hair delivers excellent results, with hair Evion 400 being a top choice.

Q. Which vitamin capsule is best for hair regrowth?

Biotin (Vitamin B7) and Vitamin E capsules are among the best for hair regrowth. Biotin strengthens the hair shaft, while Vitamin E improves scalp health and reduces oxidative stress, both of which are essential for regrowth.

Q. Can I take vitamin E capsules daily?

Yes, daily intake of Vitamin E capsules can support overall health, including hair growth. However, it's crucial to follow the recommended dosage and consult with a healthcare provider, especially if you have existing health conditions or are taking other medications.

Q. Does vitamin E help hair growth?

Yes, Vitamin E helps hair growth by enhancing scalp circulation, which ensures hair follicles receive the necessary nutrients. Additionally, its antioxidant properties protect hair follicles from damage, supporting stronger, healthier hair growth.


How Vitamin E Can Benefit Your Hair

Vitamin E Fact Sheet for Health Professionals


Dr. Kalyani Deshmukh, M.D.


Dr. Deshmukh is an MD (Dermatology, Venerology, and Leprosy) with more than 4 years of experience. She successfully runs her own practice and believes that a personalized service maximizes customer satisfaction.

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I feel much better after taking up the treatment. The treatment does not just include tablets and minoxidil.

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I have been following Traya regime since last 9 months now and the results are all to speak for. I had issues regarding hair density and patches. Now I am very much happy and satisfied with the results. In short, Quality & Quantity both have improved for me. Infact, it has been helpful for my body balance as well. Thanks to Sneha for all the help and Cheers to the Traya team👍 👍 👍

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TRAYA'S hairfall treatment has been of great help in reducing my hairfall issue and also regrowing new hair. Also the support staff Poornima who was assigned to me has been very helpful as she checked on my progress, provided diet plans and answering any questions regarding the medication. A great experience overall.

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TRAYA'S hairfall treatment has been of great help in reducing my hairfall issue and also regrowing new hair. Also the support staff Poornima who was assigned to me has been very helpful as she checked on my progress, provided diet plans and answering any questions regarding the medication. A great experience overall.

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The claims and results mentioned are based on multiple internal studies and customer research surveys that Traya has conducted with a statistically significant sample size of users who were under expert observation and guidance

93% saw results*

Traya conducted an internal study over both men and females facing hair fall and 93% saw results* after using the complete Traya treatment consistently for a period of 5 months. This study was conducted in December 2022. 

5-month money-back guarantee

Traya’s 100% money-back policy is valid only if you have been regular with the complete treatment plan for a period of 5 whole consecutive months. Each customised hair kit is valid for only 30 days. If any individual has not seen any regrowth or control in hair fall, you can ask for a refund. However, once you apply for the 5-month - money-back policy, the team would then do a thorough check on consumer regularity based on every order date. An exception to this policy is for those customers undergoing serious health conditions like autoimmune diseases and cancer. 

Traya’s Holistic 3 Science Formula 

Traya’s 3 Science Formula is a synergistic mix of Ayurveda, Allopathy & Food Science designed specifically to cater to hair loss conditions stemming from multiple root causes. With clinically tested ingredients and adaptogenic herbs, Traya’s Science-Backed formula clears internal blockages and boosts hair regeneration naturally. When blended with a healing dietary plan, it delivers great results in attaining long-term hair growth. 

Traya Free hair test (™) 

Traya’s Hair Dx test is powered by a proprietary algorithm to examine a user's hair & health profile. With the help of a distinctive image-capturing technique & physician- formulated examination, it is able to precisely diagnose the type, stage & root causes of a certain hair loss condition. 

2 lakh+ Indians 

Traya Free hair test (™) has been taken by more than 2 lakh+ Indians - Data acquired from Traya customers. 

Ayush Certified  - Digest Boost, Cholest Vati and Consti Clear are Ayush Certified Products.

Traya’s Ayurvedic Products are based on natural and Ayurvedic formulations. These are completely safe for human use, but it is possible that certain ingredients may cause allergic reactions to some individuals. 

Accurate hair diagnosis 

The Traya free hair test (™) is a proprietary algorithm developed with the help of our in-house doctors that provides Accurate hair and health diagnosis, provided you mention all the correct details about yourself. It gives a precise diagnosis about the type, stage and root cause of a specific hair fall condition.

Long Lasting Visible Hair Results 

Traya’s complete treatment gives visible and long-lasting results provided you’re on Traya’s hair maintenance kit. Since Traya works on the internal root causes of hair fall and hence our customers have seen long lasting results

Trusted by 70+ Doctors

Traya has been tried and loved by over 70 doctors all over India to maintain healthy hair growth. 

Award Winning Trusted Brand

India’s Healthcare Excellence initiated by Brands Impact has awarded Traya as the Most Effective Haircare Product of the Year 2022 

FDA approved ingredients 

Traya contains hair growth actives like minoxidil and DHT blocker which are FDA approved to treat hair fall. These are completely safe for human use, but it is possible that certain ingredients may cause allergic reactions to some individuals.


Traya Women Santulan (™)

Traya’s Women Santulan is a unique technology that uses a combination of herbs treated in a specific manner (kalpa) to meet the bio-specific needs of women going through different stages of life. Santulan is a supplementary range to Traya’s 3 Science Formula which balances and nourishes the body inside-out delivering long-lasting hair growth results and overall health.

Hair Growth Plan starts at Rs 1699 pm* - The price mentioned is for a male of age 23 with stage 1 type hair fall based on the results of the hair test taken on the website. Prices may vary for individual customers depending on the results of the hair test and internal root causes

Hair Growth Plan starts at Rs 2000 pm* - The price mentioned is for a male of age 25 with stage 1 type hair fall based on the results of the hair test taken on the website. Prices may vary for individual customers depending on the results of the hair test and internal root causes

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