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Are there any Side Effects of Applying Egg on Hair?


Eggs are renowned for their nutritional significance in our diets due to their richness in proteins and fats and abilities to nourish our bodies from the inside out. However, eggs are not confined to the realm of dietary consumption alone as they have also carved a niche for themselves in the world of hair care. Eggs have become a popular ingredient in various hair masks, alone or combined with other natural substances but there are side effects of applying egg on hair

Applying egg on hair may cause side effects and lead to brittleness, allergies, greasiness, dryness, infections. There can be many side effects of egg white mask as it can cause brittleness. To understand more about the side effects, benefits, and the perfect way to use egg on hair, keep reading this comprehensive blog.

What are the Side Effects of Applying Egg on Hair (बालों में अंडा लगाने के नुकसान)

1. Eggs can result in Greasy Appearance 

  • When applied to the hair for an extended duration, Eggs can yield unexpected consequences. While the intention is to nourish the hair, the result can be quite the opposite.
  • The egg application may attract dust and debris, leaving the hair greasy and unclean. The prolonged application can even introduce an unpleasant odor that refuses to dissipate with regular washing.

2. Can cause Allergic Reaction 

  • For those who frequently incorporate egg-based hair masks into their routine, there is a heightened potential for allergic reactions. While eggs are typically not associated with allergies, prolonged exposure can highlight side effects of applying egg on hair.
  • Recognizing the symptoms of scalp allergies, such as redness and bald patches, becomes paramount. Severe allergic reactions are a distinct possibility, underscoring the need for caution, especially for individuals with unknown allergies.

3. Might Cause Dry Scalp

  • In a paradoxical twist, the nutrient-rich egg yolk for hair can lead to an unexpected issue - a dry scalp. Given the nourishing reputation of eggs, this outcome may come as a surprise but it is possible if left for long duration. 
  • Additionally, egg white residue left on the scalp can cause itching, creating discomfort and contradicting the intended benefits.

4. Brittleness and Hardening of Hair

  • A common misconception is that leaving an egg hair mask on for an extended period yields better results. However, this belief can lead to hair hardening and brittleness, making it challenging to wash out the remnants of the egg mask post-treatment.
  • Contrary to the intended goal of soft hair, the side effects of applying egg on hair could result in adverse effects.

5. Risk of Infection

  • It's essential to be aware that raw eggs risk salmonella infections. These infections can be particularly unpleasant and are a seldom-considered side effect of egg-based hair treatments.
  • To mitigate this risk effectively, using fresh eggs and limiting their quantity in hair masks is advisable.

6. Water Temperature Mishap

  • The water temperature used during the rinse can pose a challenge and can turn to be a side effect of applying egg on hair. Hot water can inadvertently cook the egg on the hair, making it exceedingly difficult to remove.
  • The importance of using lukewarm or cold water rinses after applying egg-based treatments is emphasized to prevent such mishaps.

7. Unpleasant Odor

  • Applying egg to your hair can be a messy process, as the mixture tends to be slippery and can drip easily. This can lead to a lot of cleanups afterward. In addition to the messiness, eggs have a strong and distinct odor that some people may find unpleasant. This odor can sometimes linger in the hair even after washing.

8. Does not suit all hair types

  • While eggs are generally beneficial for hair due to their protein content, they may not be compatible with all hair types. Some people may find that eggs make their hair feel dry or weighed down.
  • The egg mixture can make the hair feel sticky and difficult to manage, especially if not rinsed out thoroughly. The process of applying, letting it sit, and then washing it out can also be time-consuming.

Additionally, for those with overly damaged hair, eggs alone might not be sufficient to restore the hair's health, and other treatments or products may be necessary.

Therefore, while eggs can be a useful natural remedy for improving hair health, there are some potential drawbacks, limitations and side-effects to consider while applying them on your hair.

What are the Advantages of Using Egg for Hair

1. Natural Conditioner

Egg yolks, brimming with fats and proteins, naturally hydrate dry and damaged strands. The egg white, abundant in enzymes, purifies the scalp and strands, bestowing a soft and radiant shine.

2. Strengthens the Hair

The protein content in eggs aids in repairing the damaged keratin gaps in the hair structure. This provides strength and resilience, reducing breakage and split ends.

3. Promotes Hair Growth

The rich variety of nutrients in eggs, including vitamins A, E, and biotin, can promote hair growth. Biotin, in particular, is crucial for producing a hair protein called keratin.

4. Reduces Hair Fall

Egg hair masks can enhance scalp health, strengthen hair roots, and reduce hair fall by nourishing the follicles.

How to Make a Egg Hair Mask

To maximize the benefits of eggs for hair care while minimizing potential side effects, consider the following recommendations and safe practices:

  • Use fresh eggs when incorporating them into hair treatments.
  • Be vigilant about personal allergies to eggs to avoid allergic reactions.
  • Conduct a patch test on a small section of the scalp before applying an egg mask to the entire head.
  • Opt for cold water rinsing post-egg application to prevent the egg from boiling. 

What is the best way to apply egg on hair to avoid side effects

Using egg masks for hair can be beneficial, as they contain proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals that nourish and strengthen your hair. Since egg is considered good for your hair nourishment, here's an ideal way to use egg yolks for hair:


  • Two egg yolks (you can adjust the quantity based on your hair length and thickness)
  • 1-2 tablespoons of a hair-friendly oil (such as olive oil, coconut oil, or argan oil)
  • Optional: a few drops of essential oils for fragrance (e.g., lavender or rosemary)


Prepare the Mixture:

  • Crack the eggs and separate the yolks from the whites.
  • Place the egg yolks in a bowl and whisk them until they are well-blended.
  • Add the hair-friendly oil of your choice to the egg yolks. This oil helps to make the mixture more manageable and provides extra nourishment for your hair.
  • Add a few drops of essential oil to the mixture for a pleasant fragrance if desired.


  • Before applying the egg yolk mixture, ensure your hair is dry or slightly damp. You can also apply it to unwashed hair.
  • Section your hair to ensure an even distribution of the mixture.
  • Apply the egg yolk mixture evenly to your scalp and hair using your fingertips or a brush. Start from the roots and work your way down to the tips.
  • Gently massage your scalp for a few minutes to stimulate blood circulation and promote absorption of nutrients.

Leave it On:

  • After applying the mixture, cover your hair with a shower cap or plastic wrap to prevent dripping.
  • Allow the egg yolk mask to sit on your hair and scalp for about 20 to 30 minutes. This gives the nutrients time to penetrate your hair follicles and nourish your scalp.

Rinse Thoroughly:

  • After the recommended time has passed, rinse your hair thoroughly with lukewarm water. Avoid using hot water, as it may cook the egg and make it difficult to wash out.
  • Use a mild shampoo to remove any remaining egg residue. Be sure to rinse your hair and scalp completely to avoid any lingering smell.

Condition (Optional):

  • You can follow up with your regular conditioner if you like, although the egg yolk mask often makes hair soft and manageable, so it may not be necessary.

Final Rinse:

  • Finish with a final rinse using cold water. Cold water can help seal the hair cuticles, making your hair smoother and shinier.

Dry and Style:

  • Gently pat your hair dry with a towel and avoid rubbing vigorously, as this can damage your hair.
  • Allow your hair to air dry, or use a blow dryer on the lowest heat setting.
  • Style your hair as usual.


You can use this egg yolk hair mask once a week or as needed, depending on your hair's condition and preference. Using egg yolks for your hair can help improve its texture and shine, but be cautious about overusing it, as excessive protein treatments may lead to hair becoming brittle. Adjust the frequency of use to suit your needs to avoid the side effects of applying egg on hair.

Few Alternatives to Egg Treatments

For those who are allergic or prefer not to use eggs, several alternatives offer similar benefits:

  • Avocado Masks: Rich in fats and nutrients, avocados can moisturize and strengthen hair.
  • Yogurt Treatments: Yogurt is a great source of proteins and can be used as a hydrating hair mask.
  • Honey and Olive Oil: This combination offers moisturization and shine without the risk of allergies.


In conclusion, while there are numerous egg benefits for hair health due to their protein and nutrient content, it is paramount to be well-informed about potential side effects of applying egg on hair. Achieving optimal hair health necessitates moderation and informed application. By adhering to safe practices and being cognizant of potential drawbacks, individuals can harness the nourishing benefits of eggs for their hair while minimizing any adverse effects. Therefore, the next time you contemplate incorporating eggs into your hair care routine, do so judiciously and savor the nourishing advantages while steering clear of the unspoken side effects.


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Frequently Asked Questions: 

Q1: Is applying egg good for hair?

A1: Yes, applying eggs to your hair can be beneficial because eggs are rich in proteins, vitamins, and fatty acids that can help to strengthen, moisturize, and improve the overall health of your hair.

Q2: How long should I leave egg in my hair?

A2: It is generally recommended to leave an egg mask on your hair for about 20 to 30 minutes before washing it with cold or lukewarm water. Using hot water can cause the egg to cook, making it more difficult to rinse. Leaving eggs for longer in your hair can cause hardness or brittleness. 

Q3: What are the disadvantages of applying egg on hair?

A3: Some people may be allergic to eggs, and the smell of eggs can be unpleasant for some. Additionally, using hot water to rinse the egg can cause it to cook and become difficult to remove from your hair.

Q4: How often should I put egg in my hair?

A4: The frequency of egg masks depends on your hair type and needs. For normal hair, once a month may be sufficient. For damaged or dry hair, once a week or every two weeks may be more beneficial.

Q5. Which part of the egg is good for hair growth? 

The egg white and the egg yolk have benefits for hair, but they serve different purposes. The egg white is primarily protein-rich and excellent for strengthening hair strands, improving elasticity, and promoting hair growth. On the other hand, the egg yolk is rich in fats, vitamins, and minerals, making it suitable for nourishing and moisturizing the hair, adding shine, and softening it. Depending on your specific hair needs, you can use either the egg white or egg yolk or a combination of both in your hair care routine.

Q6. Is egg white good for hair?

Yes, egg white is beneficial for hair. It is rich in protein, which can help strengthen hair strands, improve hair elasticity, and promote hair growth. Egg white is also known for its oil-absorbing properties, making it suitable for individuals with oily hair. Whisked egg whites can contribute to healthier and more resilient hair when applied as a hair mask.

Q7. Is applying egg good for hair?

Yes, applying egg can be good for hair. Eggs egg white and egg yolk- can benefit hair growth. Egg white provides essential proteins that strengthen hair, improve elasticity, and support growth. Egg yolk, rich in fats, vitamins, and minerals, nourishes and moisturizes the hair, adding shine and softness. Using eggs for hair growth in hair masks or treatments can naturally encourage hair growth by improving overall hair health.

Q8. What are good foods for hair growth?

There are several foods for hair growth known to promote hair growth and overall hair health. Some of these include:

  • Salmon: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, supporting a healthy scalp.
  • Spinach: Contains iron, vitamins, and antioxidants that promote hair growth.
  • Eggs: As discussed earlier, eggs provide protein and essential nutrients for hair growth.
  • Sweet potatoes: High in beta-carotene, which your body converts into vitamin A, crucial for hair health.
  • Nuts and seeds: Packed with vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats that benefit hair.
  • Avocado: Contains healthy fats, vitamins, and biotin, promoting hair growth and moisture.
  • Berries: Rich in antioxidants that protect hair follicles and support growth.
  • Greek yoghurt: Provides protein and probiotics for a healthy scalp.

A balanced diet with these foods can contribute to stronger, healthier hair and encourage growth.


Dr. Kalyani Deshmukh, M.D.


Dr. Deshmukh is an MD (Dermatology, Venerology, and Leprosy) with more than 4 years of experience. She successfully runs her own practice and believes that a personalized service maximizes customer satisfaction.

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