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Is The Use Of Aloe Vera Good For Men's Hair?


Medicinal plants and herbs have always been used throughout history not only to cure different ailments but also to enhance health. It is estimated that almost 75% of the world’s population depends on herbal medicines for various needs. They are used to cure common ailments and are very effective as home remedies. Aloe vera also takes pride of place in this list of wonderful herbs and plants for its potent regenerative and healing properties. Aloe vera is rich in minerals and vitamins among other ingredients and is known for its capacity to create healthy hair. It flourishes in sunny climates across the globe. 

Aloe vera is blessed with more than 75 beneficial ingredients including 12 power vitamins,  20 minerals, and 18 amino acids. It is also considered a miracle herb because of its ability to treat cuts and wounds and also treats infections and burns. 

The thick pointy leaves of aloe vera grow to almost 19 inches and hold a slimy tissue that contains water. This is the gel that has many beneficial properties and is used to make different products. Aloe vera gel has a number of benefits for hair too. It is possible to harvest an aloe vera plant at home too. The gel could be extracted from the leaves and kept refrigerated for a week, and for longer, if necessary, by freezing it. You can also use the gel by putting it in a food processor to create a uniform consistency.

Why Is Aloe Vera Good?

Aloe vera has a lot of beneficial ingredients like plant steroids, vitamins, minerals such as zinc & copper, essential amino acids, and fatty acids among other things. One big factor that makes aloe vera such a popular option is the fact that it is a natural ingredient and has no known side effects on use. 

Aloe vera has grown in popularity over the last couple of decades and is used extensively by the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. 

Aloe vera has great antibacterial properties and is known as a good antioxidant. It is also known to help remove wrinkles and improve the quality of skin. It has been used regularly for various hair issues with a great degree of success. 

Aloe Vera Benefits For Hair 

The aloe vera gel is beneficial for hair due to the presence of many minerals and other ingredients that lead to better quality hair. Apart from that it also helps solve many hair issues. Let’s find out how aloe vera is good for hair.

  • It has extremely potent anti-inflammatory properties.
    • It helps moisturize the hair and protects it from the harmful UV rays of the sun. Exposure to UV rays can lead to loss of hair elasticity and make it rough apart from reducing color and shine. The level of protection offered depends on the quality of the hair. 
    • It helps solve your itchy scalp issues and also reduces hair greasiness.  The potent enzymes present in it can break down fats and remove extra oil present in your strands.
    • Aloe vera is a good remedy for seborrheic dermatitis issues that lead to red skin, dandruff, and scaly patches on the scalp. It is very effective in reducing the itchiness and scaliness of the scalp.
    • Aloe vera has aloenin which is believed to promote hair growth. The presence of aloenin helps in reducing hair breakage. 
    • If your scalp has been cleansed with aloe vera, your hair breakage problems will be reduced dramatically and you might get the benefit of better hair growth. 
    • Aloe vera is blessed with the richness of vitamins A, C, and E. These help in enhanced cell growth and shiny hair. Aloe vera also has vitamin B12 and folic acid which are believed to have properties that help prevent hair from falling out. 

    How To Use Aloe Vera For Hair

    While aloe vera is readily available in stores you can also grow it as a houseplant and extract the gel from time to time for your use. All you need to do is select the older and thicker leaves from the plant. 

    1. Remove it from the plant 
    2. Drain the yellow latex from it 
    3. Rinse the leaf
    4. Remove the sharp, spiny edges with a knife
    5. Remove the skin by running a knife lengthwise and scoop out the rich gel

    Do remember to use it soon as fresh gel does not last very long. You have the option of freezing it and using it after a week. 

    On the other hand, if you do decide to use it, apply the raw gel thoroughly to your scalp, hair, and ends. Add some castor oil which will help seal the moisture in. Wash it off after letting it stay for half an hour. Castor oil is a very effective remedy for dandruff, split ends, hair loss, and damage. It also acts as a natural conditioner and enhances the lustre of your hair.  There are many other aloe vera uses for hair, let’s find out more about them. 

    Aloe Vera And Lemon Juice:

    For greasier hair, you need to shampoo your hair first. You could then rinse your hair with a solution created by adding a tablespoon of lemon juice and a cup of water to 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel. Leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse again.  

    Aloe Vera And Ginger:

    Add a quarter cup of fresh ginger juice to half a cup of aloe vera juice and blend them into a uniform mix in a mixer. Spray this mixture onto your hair after transferring it into a spray bottle. Massage thoroughly and let this stay on your hair overnight before washing it off the following morning. 

    Aloe Vinegar Mask:

    Add 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to half a cup of fresh aloe gel. Blend well before spraying it across the length of your hair. Massage well and let the mix remain for 3-4 hours before washing it off with water. 

    Aloe, Castor, And Fenugreek Mix:

    Add 2 tablespoons each of castor oil and fenugreek powder to a cup of fresh aloe vera gel and blend it into a fine mix. Apply this well to the roots and tips of your hair and massage it into the scalp as well. Leave this overnight on your hair and shampoo it off the next day. 

    Benefits Of Aloe Vera Oil For Hair

    Aloe vera oil prepared by mixing aloe vera gel with carrier oil is very effective in the treatment of dandruff as it helps moisturize the scalp and removes the excess oil from your scalp. It is a very effective remedy for itchiness of the scalp as it helps eliminate all flakes. It is created by adding aloe vera gel to a carrier oil; coconut, olive and castor oil are the possible alternatives while coconut oil is the most popular. 

    Aloe Vera And Coconut Oil:

    When coconut oil is mixed with aloe vera, the resulting blend helps in the synthesis of collagen to facilitate hair growth. Both ingredients are rich in minerals which help add proper nutrients to your hair and skin cells. The aloe vera hair oil creates a protective layer over the hair and keeps it safe from various harmful environmental factors and also helps in keeping the scalp well hydrated. 

    It is very convenient to make aloe vera hair oil. Clean the aloe vera leaf well to remove impurities on the leaf as they might seep into the gel. Extract the gel after removing the outer layer of the leaf and mix it with the coconut oil. It is always advisable to put the mix in the blender for greater consistency. Apply the mix to your hair carefully and find out about the tremendous benefits of aloe vera for hair

    Aloe Vera And Olive Oil:

    The alternative to coconut oil is olive oil. Add 3 tablespoons of olive oil to 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel and prepare a uniform blend. Spend a good 10 minutes massaging this mix into your scalp thoroughly. Wash it off after 30 minutes. 

    Aloe Vera Hair Mask:

    Apart from hair oils you can also try out an aloe vera hair mask. Hair masks have more conditioning agents and oils than normal conditioners and they need to stay in your hair for an extended period of time. This could in effect lead to better healing and repair of your hair cells and scalp. Let us look at the more effective hair masks:

    • Aloe Vera And Apple Cider Vinegar Mask If you have a flaky and itchy scalp this is the best remedy for you. It is also very effective in preventing dandruff. Add 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to 4 tablespoons of aloe vera gel. You can also add a teaspoon of honey as this will help keep the moisture in your strands and lead to smoother hair. Apply this mask to your scalp. Keep it on for 20 minutes before washing it out. Use this every alternate week for the best results.
    • Aloe Vera And Yoghurt Hair Mask: Yoghurt has good probiotic content which helps take care of dandruff issues. The best yoghurt for this purpose is unsweetened, full-fat yoghurt. Add 2 tablespoons of yoghurt to 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel and massage well into your scalp. Keep it on for half an hour before washing it off. 
    • Aloe Vera And Egg Mask:  If you have dry hair, you need to look no further. Add an egg to 3 teaspoons of aloe vera gel and mix well to create a blend of fine consistency. Use a brush to apply this to your scalp and hair. Let this rest for at least 30 minutes. Use a shower cap to cover your hair if possible. Wash with lukewarm water and shampoo to cleanse completely. This treatment will increase the moisture content of your hair significantly as both ingredients are good moisturizers. 
    • Aloe Vera And Fenugreek:  Soak 2 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds overnight and make a paste of it. Add this paste to 3 tablespoons of aloe vera to make a fine mix. Apply this to your hair and keep it on for half an hour before washing it with shampoo. This helps prevent hair fall and promotes hair growth.  


    There is no doubt about the fact that aloe vera is one of the most potent natural hair remedies. It's rich in vitamins, minerals, water and polysaccharide content which really helps enhance the quality of your hair. But for males suffering from baldness and other fall issues, using aloe vera gel for hair might not lead you to your dream crop of hair or contribute to hair regrowth. A detailed analysis of your hair issues might be necessary for more comprehensive solutions.  Do get in touch with our experts at Traya who will be able to guide you on your way to better hair health. 


    Q1 - Can Men Apply Aloe Vera Gel On Hair?

    Ans - Yes, men too can apply aloe vera gel to their hair. However, there are no benefits specific to men. All the goodness of aloe vera helps better the quality of hair of men and women in a similar way. Men will be able to solve their dry scalp & dandruff issues and will also be able to have healthier hair. 

    Q2 - Can Aloe Vera Cure Male Pattern Baldness?

    Ans - Though aloe vera has significant health benefits, there is no evidence to support the claim that it helps curtail the DHT levels of your body which leads to male pattern baldness. It is not a recommended solution for regrowing hair. 

    Q3 - What Can You Do To Stop Hair Loss?

    Ans - Hair loss could happen due to a number of reasons. While an improper diet and lack of hair care could be some of the causes, a more detailed analysis of your hair might be necessary for more long-term solutions. A visit to Traya for a consultation with our experts could help you resolve your hair issues.


    Zahra Lokhandwala

    Hair Coach

    Zahra is the hair coach-in-chief at Traya. She works closely with the doctors to monitor all cases. She is a fitness freak and has not touched sugar in years!

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