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Onion Juice for Hair


Onions would probably qualify as the most inexpensive yet effective remedy for all your hair issues. This ubiquitous vegetable is part of every kitchen but probably not yet considered a universal go-to solution for any hairy problem. If it is not your considered option, then we suggest you have a rethink and put this useful vegetable to yet one more use, apply it to your strands and see the magic unfold. The uses of onion for hair could be the solution for your receding hairline. The ancient Egyptians regarded the concentric circles of the onion as symbols of eternal life, you could too look at onion juice for hair, as a great option to extend the life of your tresses.

Benefits of Onion Juice for Hair

Hair takes a lot of time to grow, about ½ an inch per month is the average. It has been observed that applying onion juice twice daily for 2 weeks leads to substantial hair growth. So, it is not entirely a bad idea to use those available choices to enhance the rate of growth, and also obtain the dual advantage of growing strong and healthy hair. Some studies have also indicated that the use of onion juice on the scalp might in fact help in hair regrowth as it can facilitate good blood circulation. Experts are of the firm opinion that onion juice for hair loss is the way to go.

Onions help avoid those problems like hair breakage and dandruff and also add those nutrients to augment hair quality. The effects are quick to show, and testimonials indicate that a month is all you need to see your hair health improve significantly. Let’s take a look at the hairy benefits you can derive from this vegetable:

  • The sulphur content in onions provides the necessary nutrients to revive the dormant hair follicles and stop hair fall. Sulphur is also found in keratin, the building blocks of the hair. Sulphur increases the production of collagen which helps in growing healthy skin cells and improves hair growth.
  • When you apply onion juice you release antioxidants which are very helpful in enhancing hair growth.
  • Its antibacterial and antifungal properties help you avoid infections and reduce hair fall issues.
  • Regular use of onion juice for hair is bad news for graying hair. Graying hair is the result of the buildup of hydrogen peroxide in the scalp. Onion juice helps in reducing the generation of hydrogen peroxide. It cleans the scalp and stimulates the follicles allowing the nutrients to nourish your hair conveniently.
  • The juice/paste will add to the shine of the hair and make it part of your natural style.
  • If you are facing severe lice issues then onion juice for hair should be your first option. Hair lice is difficult to control once they breed in your scalp and strong remedial action will be necessary.

How to Make Onion Juice at Home

Onion juice can be used for a number of home remedies for hair and it is easily prepared. Using onion juice for dandruff is one of the simplest and most common remedies. Do not however try them out if you are allergic to onions.

  1. Chop 1-2 onions into small pieces and grind them in the mixer.
  2. Take the pulp out and extract the juice into a bowl.
  3. Dip a cotton pad into it and apply it to your hair and scalp.
  4. Wash it off with a shampoo and conditioner after 20 minutes.
  5. Use some drops of essential oil afterwards if the strong smell of the onions persists.

How to Use Onion Juice for Hair Growth

Onion juice can be used on its own, and for the ones with more sensitive skin, you could add a drop of your chosen carrier oil or aloe vera. Let us take a look at some of the ways in which you can use onion juice for hair growth.

  • Onion juice and honey hair mask: Mix 2 teaspoons of onion juice with 1 teaspoon of honey. Wash it off after 20 minutes. This is very good for hair growth, apart from helping reduce inflammation and dandruff.
  • You could also use onion paste for hair, wherein you create a mix by chopping onion pieces and adding water for a fine blend. You can then use the paste on your hair.
  • Onion juice and aloe vera hair mask: Mix the onion juice with the aloe vera gel and add a few drops of olive oil to it. Apply to your hair and scalp and wash it off after 30 minutes. Use onion juice for hair fall, at least 2-3 times a week.
  • Onion juice and coconut mix: Mix 1 tablespoon of onion juice with  ½ a tablespoon of coconut oil in a bowl. Mix thoroughly and apply this mix to your hair and scalp and massage well. Use a towel rinsed in warm water to cover your hair for 30 minutes. Wash it off with shampoo and warm water. Try this procedure 2-3 times a week to enhance the quality of your hair. Experts also suggest coconut and onion juice for hair regrowth.
  • Onion juice and ginger mask: This combination has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, Mix equal quantities of onion juice and ginger and massage into your scalp in a circular motion. Let this stay for 30 minutes before washing it off.
  • Onion and egg hair mask: Mix 1 tablespoon of onion juice with 1 whole egg. Whisk the mix for a good consistency, and then apply it carefully to the length of your hair. Keep this for at least 20 minutes and then wash it with shampoo and cool water. The protein-rich egg provides the necessary nutrients to the hair while the onion juice galvanises the scalp into action for hair growth.
  • Onion and garlic juice: Mix 1 tablespoon each of garlic juice, onion juice and olive oil thoroughly to create a consistent mix. Apply this to your scalp and massage to cover each section of the hair. Shampoo after keeping it on for an hour.
  • Onion and potato juice: Mix 2 tablespoons of potato juice with 1 tablespoon of onion juice and blend till you get a good blend.  Massage your scalp for at least 10 minutes and wash with a shampoo later. Use this over alternate days and you will find the nutrients present in potato juice including iron, zinc and vitamins B and C take effect and produce strong and bountiful hair.

Tips Before Using Onion Juice for Hair

Allergic reaction to onion juice is quite common, therefore a patch test on the skin before you apply it on the entire scalp is recommended. Take care to ensure that the onion juice applied on the scalp does not flow down to the eyes or you might experience a burning sensation and the eyes could turn red. If you do face such a situation rinse your eyes with cool water.  

The strong smell of onions is also putting off for a lot of people, as the smell remains even after a good shampoo. The pungent smell can however be masked to an extent with essential oils such as lavender oil and tea tree oil.

Also, it would be sensible to expect the onion juice treatment to show results, only 2 months after dedicated and regular use. While you might not yet end up with a scalp of bountiful hair, you can be reasonably assured, that you will not experience any adverse effects either, when you use onion juice for hair.

The right dosage of onion juice for hair depends on several factors including the general physical condition, age, comorbidities etc. It would be erroneous to assume that natural products do not have any risk implications. Certain apparently harmless natural ingredients could produce adverse results if proper precautions are not taken.

You can derive the maximum benefits of onion juice for hair if you use it with a carrier oil like coconut oil. If you do not prefer coconut oil you can use aloe vera instead. A carrier oil is necessary to avoid side-effects as they occur essentially when you use the oil directly on the skin. Also, if you warm up the mixture, then you can achieve the best results.

Experts advise that you should use onion juice for hair only as a remedy for mild hair fall problems or issues. If your problem is quite serious then you should get in touch with a medical practitioner.

If you are not extremely sensitive to the effects of onion juice, and do not mind the smell either, you can even leave it overnight in your hair and wash it off the following morning. If you experience irritation or a rash occurs, wash it off immediately.

Side Effects of Onion Juice on Hair

Despite the excellent therapeutic qualities of onion juice there are a number of adverse effects as well. Redness and itchiness are the possible side effects of people who are allergic to onion juice. This should be indication to discontinue use. One would be advised to apply it at least 3-4 times a week for the proper results to show. But if you have a sensitive scalp 2 times a week should suffice.

The sulphur in onion juice is responsible for hair growth but the downside is that it could produce an uncomfortable burning feeling as well, if used regularly. This is the result of an infection or inflammation in the scalp, and in such a case you need to rinse your hair without any delay.

Always take great care to wash off the onion juice from your scalp and rinse well to avoid any irritation later. Any form of irritation starts with the roots of the hair and if you attempt to scratch it, you might cause an injury which has a possibility of spreading. If you clean the roots thoroughly you can reduce the possibility of this happening.

A lot of people assume that eczema is only possible in the skin around the joints. But it has a possibility of occurring in the scalp as well. Eczema happens essentially because of the absence of moisture in the skin. If you use onion juice on your hair, the sulphur could dry out the natural oils present in the scalp and cause eczema. For the ones with a dry scalp, you can still utilise the benefits of onion juice for hair, but you should not use it more than once a week. You can also use a natural moisturiser for your scalp to maintain those levels. Another option of reducing the dryness caused by onion juice is by using a nourishing conditioner.

Onion juice with a carrier oil is an extremely potent solution if we are to rely on user testimonials. However, if you need more options, visit us at Traya and our team will assist you in finding your way towards healthier hair.

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