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How to Increase Hair Volume: 22 Natural Tips & Techniques



How do you feel when you see beautiful, voluminous hair? Do you feel upset looking your thinning hair?  But wonder how to increase hair volume? Fear not, with the right hair care you can achieve it. Hair volume plays a crucial role in enhancing overall appearance, often seen as a sign of vitality and health. Many experience a reduction in hair volume due to various factors such as genetics, ageing, and environmental stressors.
How to increase volume of hair naturally? Fortunately, there are natural solutions available to help increase hair volume and achieve fuller, more vibrant hair.


Understanding Hair Volume

The Basics of Hair Volume

Hair volume refers to the fullness and thickness of hair, which significantly impacts its appearance. Hair volume is determined by several factors including the number of hair strands, their thickness, and overall health. Healthy hair with good volume looks fuller and has more body. 

How to increase hair volume? There are multiple factors that influence natural hair volume including genetics, overall health, and hair care practices. Proper nutrition, adequate hydration, and gentle hair care routines can help maintain and improve hair volume.

Common Causes of Low Hair Volume

To answer how to increase hair volume, let’s first look at the different factors that lead to low hair volume. Several factors can contribute to a reduction in hair volume, including genetics, ageing, hormonal changes, environmental factors, and stress. Understanding these causes can help in addressing the issue effectively.

  • Genetics

Hereditary factors play a significant role in determining hair density and thickness. If hair thinning runs in your family, you may be more prone to experiencing reduced hair volume. Genetic predisposition affects the number of hair follicles you have and the growth cycle of your hair.

  • Aging

As we age, our hair growth rate slows down, and individual hair strands become finer. The hair growth cycle shortens, leading to more hair shedding and less regrowth. Additionally, the scalp produces less oil as we age, which can make hair appear less voluminous and more prone to breakage.

  • Hormonal Changes

Hormonal fluctuations, particularly in women, can lead to hair thinning. Conditions such as pregnancy, menopause, and thyroid disorders can significantly impact hair health. For instance, a drop in estrogen levels during menopause can result in hair thinning and loss. Similarly, hormonal imbalances due to thyroid conditions can affect hair growth.

  • Environmental Factors

Environmental factors such as pollution, harsh weather conditions, and exposure to harmful chemicals can damage hair and reduce its volume. Pollutants can accumulate on the scalp, clogging hair follicles and hindering healthy hair growth. Sun exposure, wind, and cold weather can also strip moisture from the hair, making it brittle and prone to breakage.

  •  Stress

High levels of stress can negatively impact hair health, leading to hair loss and reduced volume. Stress triggers the release of hormones such as cortisol, which can disrupt the hair growth cycle and push hair follicles into the shedding phase prematurely. Chronic stress can also lead to conditions like telogen effluvium, where a significant amount of hair falls out after a stressful event.

  • Poor Nutrition

A diet lacking in essential nutrients can also contribute to low hair volume. Hair needs a variety of vitamins and minerals to grow strong and healthy. Deficiencies in nutrients such as iron, biotin, and protein can weaken hair strands and slow down growth, resulting in thinner hair.

  • Hair Care Practices

Improper hair care practices can cause significant damage to hair volume. Over-washing, excessive use of heat styling tools, and chemical treatments like dyeing and perming can weaken hair strands and cause them to break. Using the wrong hair products that do not suit your hair type can also strip away natural oils, making hair look flat and lifeless.

By identifying and addressing these factors, one can take steps to improve hair volume and achieve healthier, fuller hair.

How to increase hair volume naturally?

Essential Nutrients for Hair Volume

A balanced diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals is crucial for healthy hair growth and volume. Specific nutrients that support hair health include:

  • Biotin

Biotin, also known as Vitamin B7, is essential for the production of keratin, the protein that makes up hair. It strengthens hair strands, reduces hair breakage, and promotes growth. Biotin deficiency can lead to thinning hair and hair loss. 

Foods rich in biotin include: 

Eggs: A great source of biotin, which supports hair growth and scalp health.

Nuts: Almonds, walnuts, and peanuts provide a good amount of biotin and healthy fats.

Whole Grains: Oats, barley, and whole wheat contain biotin and other B vitamins that are essential for hair health.

  • Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps reduce oxidative stress and improve scalp circulation, which is vital for hair growth. It also helps maintain the lipid layer in the scalp, which adds moisture and promotes hair texture. 

Foods rich in Vitamin E include:

Almonds: Packed with Vitamin E, which nourishes the scalp and promotes healthy hair.

Spinach: A leafy green rich in vitamins and minerals, including Vitamin E.

Avocados: Contain healthy fats and Vitamin E, supporting overall hair and scalp health.

  • Iron

Iron is crucial for the production of haemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the hair follicles. Adequate oxygen supply is essential for healthy hair growth. Iron deficiency, known as anaemia, can cause hair thinning and loss. 

Foods high in iron include:

Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are excellent sources of iron.

Beans: Lentils, chickpeas, and black beans are rich in iron and protein.

Lean Meats: Beef, chicken, and turkey provide heme iron, which is easily absorbed by the body.

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for maintaining the health of the scalp and hair. They reduce inflammation and provide the necessary oils that keep the scalp and hair hydrated. 

Foods rich in omega-3 include:

Fatty Fish: Salmon, mackerel, and sardines are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

Chia Seeds: These tiny seeds are packed with omega-3 and other nutrients.

Flaxseeds: Another great plant-based source of omega-3 fatty acids.


  •  Vitamin A

Vitamin A is crucial for cell growth, including hair cells. It also helps produce sebum, the oily substance that keeps the scalp moisturized and healthy.

Foods rich in Vitamin A include:

Carrots: High in beta-carotene, which the body converts into Vitamin A.

Sweet Potatoes: Another excellent source of beta-carotene.

Pumpkin: Rich in vitamins and antioxidants, supporting overall hair health.

  • Zinc

Zinc plays a vital role in hair tissue growth and repair. It also helps keep the oil glands around the hair follicles working properly. Zinc deficiency can lead to hair loss and a dry, flaky scalp. 

Foods rich in zinc include:

Pumpkin Seeds: A great source of zinc and other nutrients beneficial for hair.

Chickpeas: Provide a good amount of zinc along with protein and fiber.

Oysters: One of the best sources of zinc, promoting healthy hair growth.

Also Read: Best Foods for Hair Growth in India 


Effective Hair Care Products

Using the right hair care products can make a significant difference in hair volume. Look for volume-boosting shampoos and conditioners that are free from harmful chemicals like sulfates and parabens. Products formulated with natural ingredients can nourish hair without stripping away essential oils, leading to healthier and fuller hair.

Natural Remedies and Treatments

Home treatments can effectively boost hair volume by nourishing the scalp and strengthening hair follicles. Here are some  natural remedies and treatments:

  • Amla Oil

Amla oil, derived from the Indian gooseberry, is renowned for its high antioxidant and vitamin content, particularly Vitamin C. These nutrients are crucial for healthy hair growth. Amla oil strengthens hair follicles, reduces hair fall, and promotes overall scalp health. It also helps combat dandruff and premature greying. Warm the amla oil slightly and massage it into your scalp. Leave it on for at least 30 minutes or overnight for better results. Wash it off with a mild shampoo. Regular use can lead to stronger, thicker hair.

  • Micro-needling

Micro-needling involves the use of tiny needles to create micro-injuries on the scalp. This process stimulates the body's natural healing response, which increases blood flow and encourages the production of collagen and elastin. These factors help in revitalizing hair follicles, leading to increased hair density and volume over time.

Micro-needling should be performed by a professional or with a high-quality dermaroller at home. It’s typically done once every 4-6 weeks. Ensure to follow up with a soothing serum or oil to nourish the scalp after the treatment.

Also Read: How to use Derma Roller for Hair Growth


  •  Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is known for its soothing and healing properties. It contains enzymes that promote healthy hair growth and reduce scalp inflammation.

Extract fresh aloe vera gel from the plant and apply it directly to your scalp. Leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. Using aloe vera regularly can help maintain a healthy scalp and improve hair volume.

  • Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is rich in fatty acids that penetrate the hair shaft, reducing protein loss and strengthening hair. It also has antimicrobial properties that keep the scalp healthy.

Warm the coconut oil and massage it into your scalp and hair. Leave it on for a few hours or overnight before washing it out with a mild shampoo. Regular use can improve hair strength and volume.

  • Onion Juice

Onion juice is rich in sulfur, which helps in collagen production and hair regrowth. It also has antibacterial properties that can improve scalp health.

Extract juice from fresh onions and apply it to your scalp. Leave it on for 15-30 minutes before washing it off with a mild shampoo. Using onion juice twice a week can significantly boost hair growth and volume.

  • Green Tea

Green tea is rich in antioxidants that promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. It also contains catechins that reduce dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone linked to hair loss.

Brew a strong cup of green tea and let it cool. Apply it to your scalp and hair and leave it on for an hour before rinsing with water. Regular use can enhance hair growth and volume.

  • Rosemary Oil

Rosemary oil stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, promoting hair growth and thickness. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that can improve scalp health.

Mix a few drops of rosemary oil with a carrier oil like coconut or olive oil. Massage it into your scalp and leave it on for at least 30 minutes before washing it out. Using rosemary oil regularly can help increase hair volume.

Also Read: How to Make Hair Thick


Advanced Tips and Techniques

Lifestyle Changes for Better Hair Health

Adopting healthy lifestyle habits can significantly improve hair health and volume. Here are some key changes that can help:

  • Reducing Stress

Chronic stress can lead to hair loss and thinning. Engaging in stress-reducing activities such as yoga, meditation, and deep-breathing exercises can lower cortisol levels, which in turn can improve hair health. These practices promote relaxation and overall well-being, creating a positive environment for hair growth.

  • Improving Sleep Quality

Quality sleep is essential for overall health, including hair health. During sleep, the body repairs and regenerates tissues, including hair follicles. Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night. Creating a relaxing bedtime routine, avoiding screens before bed, and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule can improve sleep quality.

  •  Regular Exercise

Regular physical activity improves blood circulation, ensuring that hair follicles receive adequate nutrients and oxygen. Exercise also helps in reducing stress levels. Activities like cardio, strength training, and yoga can enhance overall health and promote hair growth.

Hairstyling Techniques to Avoid

Certain hairstyling practices can damage hair and reduce its volume. Avoiding these techniques and opting for healthier alternatives can help maintain hair health:

  • Tight Hairstyles

Tight hairstyles such as ponytails, braids, and buns can put excessive tension on hair strands, leading to breakage and hair loss. Traction alopecia, a type of hair loss caused by repeated pulling, is a common consequence of tight hairstyles. Opt for looser styles that do not pull on the hair.

  • Excessive Heat Styling

Frequent use of heat styling tools such as blow dryers, flat irons, and curling wands can weaken hair and cause damage. High temperatures strip hair of its natural moisture, leading to dryness, breakage, and reduced volume. Minimize the use of heat styling tools and always apply a heat protectant spray before styling.

  • Chemical Treatments

Chemical treatments like dyeing, perming, and relaxing can weaken hair structure and lead to thinning. These treatments can strip hair of its natural oils and cause long-term damage. If you choose to color or chemically treat your hair, ensure it is done by a professional and follow up with intensive conditioning treatments.

  • Over-Washing

Washing hair too frequently can strip it of natural oils, leading to dryness and breakage. Aim to wash your hair 2-3 times a week, depending on your hair type and lifestyle. Use a gentle, sulfate-free shampoo and follow with a nourishing conditioner.

  •  Rough Towel Drying

Vigorously rubbing hair with a towel can cause friction and breakage. Instead, gently squeeze out excess water and wrap hair in a soft microfiber towel or an old T-shirt to reduce damage.

  • Neglecting Scalp Care

Healthy hair starts with a healthy scalp. Regular scalp massages can stimulate blood circulation, promoting hair growth. Use natural oils like coconut or jojoba oil to massage your scalp once or twice a week. Keeping the scalp clean and free of buildup is also crucial for maintaining hair health.

By incorporating these lifestyle changes and avoiding damaging hairstyling techniques, you can significantly improve your hair's health and volume. These practices promote stronger, thicker, and more resilient hair over time.



How to increase hair volume or how to get volume in hair naturally
is a long journey. Achieving fuller, more voluminous hair naturally  involves a combination of proper nutrition, effective hair care products, and healthy lifestyle habits. By nourishing your body with essential nutrients, choosing the right hair care products, and adopting stress-reducing and health-promoting practices, you can enhance your hair's volume and vitality. 

Remember, the journey to healthier hair requires patience and persistence. Consistently implementing these tips will lead to noticeable and lasting improvements, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of thicker, more voluminous hair. Embrace the process and look forward to the results that come with dedicated care and attention.


FAQs About Increasing Hair Volume

What are the best natural ingredients for hair volume?

Ingredients like amla and coconut oil are excellent for enhancing hair volume. They nourish the scalp, strengthen hair follicles, and promote growth. Rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, amla strengthens hair follicles and promotes healthy hair growth. Other natural ingredients beneficial for hair volume include aloe vera and rosemary oil. Aloe vera contains enzymes that promote healthy hair growth and soothe the scalp, while also helping to maintain the pH balance of the scalp and hair. Rosemary oil is known to stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, which promotes hair growth and thickness.

 Can dietary changes really improve hair volume?

Yes, dietary changes can significantly impact hair health. Consuming a diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins supports healthy hair growth and increases volume. Biotin (Vitamin B7), found in eggs, nuts, and whole grains, is crucial for keratin production, strengthening hair and promoting growth. 

Vitamin E, present in almonds, spinach, and avocados, improves scalp health and hair texture by reducing oxidative stress and enhancing blood circulation. Iron, found in leafy greens, beans, and lean meats, aids in haemoglobin production, ensuring oxygen delivery to hair follicles. Omega-3 fatty acids in fatty fish, chia seeds, and flaxseeds reduce inflammation and provide necessary oils for scalp and hair hydration.

How often should I use treatments like micro-needling?

Micro-needling can be performed every 4-6 weeks. However, it's best to consult with a dermatologist to determine the appropriate frequency for your specific needs.



Dr. Kalyani Deshmukh, M.D.


Dr. Deshmukh is an MD (Dermatology, Venerology, and Leprosy) with more than 4 years of experience. She successfully runs her own practice and believes that a personalized service maximizes customer satisfaction.

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