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Vitamins To Regrow Your Hair Due To Postpartum Hair Fall


Postpartum hair loss is the hair loss that new moms have to deal with a few months after their delivery. This happens due to falling estrogen levels. Postpartum hair loss is temporary and can be reversed with the right treatment approach.  This normally starts 3 months after childbirth and can continue till 6 months. It is usually over by the time the child reaches the age of 1.

While postpartum hair fall is a common phenomenon, mothers might not have been able to find prevention of hair fall and indeed the possible remedies for hair regrowth with a great degree of success. 

It is very important to find out the underlying causes of hair fall so that you can start your treatment process accordingly with the right supplements for postpartum hair loss. The sooner you start your treatment the better. 

What Is Postpartum Hair Fall And How It Affects Mothers? 

The right diet is very important in maintaining overall health. A daily intake of vitamins and minerals contributes to your health. Vitamins are very good at maintaining the protein structures in the body and help in maintaining skin, hair, and nail health. 

Hair vitamins carry with them significant properties that contribute to the better quality of your strands. Weaker hair is characterized by dry, brittle, and dull strands. A good dose of the right nutrients will then be able to set you firmly on the road to healthy hair again. Vitamins help in the faster growth of red blood cells that carry oxygen to the different cells in the body including the hair cells. Let’s find out more about the essential postpartum vitamins for hair growth.

Vitamin A: This is the most important vitamin for the growth of cells throughout the body. It helps in the production of sebum which helps moisturize the scalp and leads to faster hair growth. However, one needs to take vitamin A with proper medical supervision as it is fat-soluble and the intake of excess levels could be toxic.  It is one of the most important postpartum hair loss vitamins.

You can include the following in your diet to increase your vitamin A intake: Fish such as salmon; vegetables such as broccoli, sweet potatoes, carrots & squash; fruits such as mangos and apricots; milk, eggs & yogurt; fortified cereals. 

B-vitamins: Vitamin B-complex is primarily made up of 8 water-soluble substances namely thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, folate, and vitamin B12. Hair loss results as a result of deficiencies in these vitamins. 

Riboflavin or vitamin B2 has 2 coenzymes that play a role in cellular development and function, including your hair cells. 

Biotin or vitamin B7 increases keratin production and facilitates the growth of hair follicles on the scalp. However, biotin is water soluble and needs to be consumed regularly to help in various bodily functions. 

Folate of vitamin B9 is crucial for gene synthesis and the formation of red blood cells. It also helps in cell division including the cells for your hair, nails, and skin tissues. 

Vitamin B12 is necessary for DNA synthesis and the formation of red blood cells. It helps supply follicles and hair cells with fresh new blood. It works with a folate-producing nucleic acid to work for the proliferation of hair follicles.

The rest of the B vitamins help in the augmented production of red blood cells that carry nutrients and oxygen for better hair growth. 

Let us look at some of the foods that are rich in vitamin B:

  • Poultry and lean meats
  • Fish, such as salmon and tuna, 
  • Milk, Eggs, and Yogurt
  • Green Vegetables, such as broccoli, asparagus, and spinach, 
  • Vegetables, such as sweet potatoes, cauliflower, avocados, mushrooms, and carrots.
  • Fruits such as bananas, raspberries, and papaya; apricots and prunes.
  • Nuts, such as hazelnuts, peanuts, cashew nuts, peanuts, walnuts, and almonds.
  • Chickpeas, black-eyed peas, soya beans, and kidney beans
  • Enriched and fortified cereals, grain products, and bread.
  • Whole wheat, oats, and brown Rice.

Vitamin C: The antioxidative qualities of vitamin C help in reducing the stress caused by free radicals. The increase of free radicals affects the defense mechanism of the body and leads to cellular damage including hair cells. Hair ages faster and growth is slower. Vitamin C is crucial for the production of collagen which is an important element of your hair structure. Vitamin C facilitates the absorption of iron by the body and this enables faster hair growth. You can include the following foods in your diet to increase your vitamin C intake:

  • Citrus Fruits, such as oranges, pineapples, grapefruits, and lemons.
  • Fruits such as strawberries, guava, kiwi, and papaya.
  • Vegetables, such as broccoli,  red, yellow, and green peppers,  brussel sprouts, and tomatoes.

Vitamin D: Vitamin D receptors are instrumental in the formation of Vitamin D and aid in faster hair growth. The sun is one of the best sources of vitamin D 

The metabolization of vitamin D happens in the skin with the help of keratinocytes, which are essentially skin cells that produce keratin. Vitamin D deficiency makes it difficult for the keratinocytes to facilitate hair growth and this results in hair shedding and fall. So, if you soak in the rays of the sun from 10 am to 3 pm you will be able to derive the maximum amount of sunlight before the creation of vitamin D. The following foods are rich in vitamin D.

  • Oily fish such as sardines,  salmon, and mackerel.
  • egg yolks.
  • Some fat spreads and breakfast cereals.

Vitamin E: Vitamin E helps create a layer of protection on the skin’s surface. This is very effective in sealing in moisture. Skin irritation and dryness are the clearest symptoms of vitamin E deficiency. One of the prime benefits of topical application of vitamin E-based oils like olive oil is that they can stop excess production and help maintain a balance in scalp oils. Vitamin E is also helpful in facilitating the repair of the protective fat layer of the hair follicles; this helps bring back the shine and bounce in your hair. 

The benefits of vitamin E are quite similar to vitamin C as it is also an excellent antioxidant and curbs the effects of free radicals. Spinach, almonds, broccoli, peanuts, mango, wheat germ oil, and kiwi fruit have good vitamin E content.


Women need to use prenatal vitamins for 6 months after delivery to ensure proper hair growth. The right combination of vitamins, and supplements will help ensure that the hair gets the essential nutrients to strengthen the hair shaft and achieve proper growth. Unless there are any underlying health conditions, hair will be able to reach its original state soon. 

Do take a Traya’s hair test to get a proper diagnosis of your hair. You can then approach our experts at Traya for scientific remedies to all your hair issues. 


Q1 - What Vitamins Are Best For Postpartum Hair Loss? 

Ans - Biotin or vitamin B7 is one of the most effective vitamins for postpartum hair loss. Vitamin B complex is also recommended for faster post-pregnancy hair loss repair. 

Q2 - How Can I Reduce My Postpartum Hair Loss? 

Ans - The right combination of moderate but regular exercise, a balanced diet, and health supplements including vitamins and minerals will go a long way toward reducing postpartum hair loss.

Q3 - Does Biotin Help With Postpartum Hair Loss? 

Ans - The deficiency of biotin can lead to hair loss. A diet that has the right quantity of biotin can curb inflammation and lead to better hair growth. 

Q4 - Are There Any Natural Remedies For Postpartum Hair Loss? 

Ans - Castor oil is considered to be one of the most potent remedies for hair loss as it helps improve the health of your hair follicles, prevent hair loss, and augment hair growth. You can also use a mix of castor oil with coconut or almond oil as the rich fatty acid content helps in improving the quality of the strands. 

Q5 - Should I Take A Multivitamin For Postpartum Hair Loss?

Ans - Vitamin B7 and biotin are excellent for hair as well as skin and nail growth. However, you should make the right efforts to improve your diet with the help of essential nutrients before taking vitamin supplements.


Zahra Lokhandwala

Hair Coach

Zahra is the hair coach-in-chief at Traya. She works closely with the doctors to monitor all cases. She is a fitness freak and has not touched sugar in years!

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